slevin kelevra

Or just white in general...

Also the fact that it happened to three different load outs. One is an accident, two an extremely rare accident and three is definitely sabotage

Eh Van Gundy needs to have an * by his name because that ‘09 Cavs team was just horrible. They somehow made their roster worse from the year before and still came in 1st in the East. Mo Williams was the second leading scorer for gods sake.

True I thought I put major city in there but I didn’t. El Paso is the odd man out when comparing it to other cities like Austin, Houston, DFW and SA. Their major source of economic income is manufacturing, call centers and Fort Bliss.

Would much rather live near a city than say Waco or West Texas

That Texas average is misleadingly low. Anything near a city will be at least $290k and that’s only if it’s in poor condition or a undesirable location.

Im a good 6 months to a year out of starting the home buying process bust has anyone used a VA loan before? Are they similar to a regular mortgage? Anything tricky that you should watch out for?

My guess is that the coworkers are lying/exaggerating because I can’t see how any mortgage lender would be cool with a 2-3% down payment

Especially when going to the range can cost you between $50-$100 per visit

This doesn’t help with robo calls but I did add this to my voicemail message: Sorry that I missed your call, I may have inadvertently thought it was another robo call.

Because they’re going to try and claim that it was somehow taken out of context. I wouldn’t be surprised if they claimed he said “People can’t go around saying things like...” right before the video was taken

It would be for college applications and as resume filler for your first “real world” job. But after that? No one cares. Even if you applying for a job like a Park Ranger, no one would see Eagle Scout and think holy crap I have to hire them

I’ve been waterboarded before. Was in the Marines and we did a lot of dumb shit when we were bored.

Yeah the bubba rule is just another name for line jumping aka being a dick. I would hope that other people in line would publicly shame anyone who thinks its ok to do this

The most important thing these wave pools will do is reduce a lot of the unknowns that scare off sponsors. It takes a lot of tone and money to host surf events and attract quality surfers that can be undone by carp weather and poor sets.

While saltwater would be nice to have, it would wreck havoc on the equipment and the wave park’s ability to stay profitable.

You’re missing the point. The guy has been coaching in the NFL for at least 14 years and they, by their own admittance, never did basic background checking procedures. If they want to say we only look at at actual court cases/convictions, this still should have been a red flag that deserved an explanation.

And why wouldn’t they? By pulling out for no reason, we just gave them all of the power. Now they get to head into the next negotiations and turn it around on the US and try to force us to make concessions

Thats just finding put what’s comfortable for you. There’s enough quality YouTube videos out there that can solve that. Its a hell of a lot easier to master than your form on a back squat

The NRA doesn’t protect the 2nd Amendment on a practical level because they oppose any and all attempts at gun regulation. Like the article mentions, the NRA doesn’t care about the meaning and purpose of the 2nd Amendment, they only care about being able to capitalize off of it.