
That combined with meeting Nobuo Uematsu in person made for a kickass night.

FFTactics and Chrono Cross are two of the most listened videogame scores in my collection. FF9 is pretty high up on the list as well. Tactics has some absolutely amazing, inspirational and powerful songs to fight bad guys to. Listening to them always make me want to get up and kick some ass!

Parasite Eve was one of those games I missed out on as a kid and went back to play as an adult. Lack of nostalgia still leads me to like the game. Its a cinematic experience, with some game thrown onto it. Beating the main story requires very little grinding and you can get a satisfactory ending, but if you want


That's part of the issue I feel with TWD. I've recently been reading Albert Camus' "The Plague" and realize that this game (and I think a lot of zombie stories with a "message") draw heavily from this well of existentialism. The biggest problem I find at the end of the day is the utter and crushing nihilism the

*rolls a 4 for move silently*

WoD definitely still sells books, especially their LARP division. At least here in the Bay Area it's still pretty big. Personally, I always thought the WoD setting was really weak and its filler content flat out sucked. It sounded like stuff written for what goth kids in the early 90's thought was "edgy". I played

Whoa whoa whoa, I thought you were describing GURPS for a second there.

I played Paranoia once at a con and it was a blast. It certainly was not a "team effort", though. We spent nearly an hour rolling against each other trying to modify a robot to shoot specific targets, like "people in red" modified to "people with mostly red, including red hair"…it was utter madness and a total


Don't forget about slapping down Demogorgon, one of the Demon Princes of the Seven Hells. In any D&D campaign that's legendary, but in Second Ed? That's God coming down to grace your presence with infinite 20 rolls and you still might die.

Damn, you finished that game quick. I…well I didn't bawl at the ending, but I certainly shed some tears. Did the game move you in such a way too Pagan?

I actually have a sweet Ezlo hat that I bought at a con years ago. It was 20 bucks and totally worth the price as its super comfy, soft, and a great fit for those cold nights when I'm at home gaming.

I've had this for years and should really beat FFIV. I'm too interested in Last Dream right now (which is a great JRPG made by Americans) to try and beat IV. I mainly bought it for Chrono Trigger when I was a kid because I had played Chrono Cross and wanted to know the story behind Lavos, the Time Devourer, and

I always find the Christian parents who hate the Simpsons a bit odd…I mean the Simpsons are one of the few shows where the characters spend a lot of time going to church.

Yeah its been on my "to play" list for a long time. I'm currently sucked into "Last Dream" right now, which is really cool and very engrossing. I haven't had to plan out a party this extensively in a while, which is a total blast.

It also depends on a lot of things. Look at the Hell Boy movie. It totally sucked on pretty much all fronts, but the world building, the characters, just the source material in general is obviously inspired and very interesting. But the movie was just not very good, not because the comics were bad, but because for

I read this as "I have a sick dog" and felt bad for your dog. I hope your dog, if you have one, is fine and that you get better. I should also probably sleep since I'm reading sentences so ass backwards.

Zelda: Twilight Princess and maybe some newly re activated FFXI will dominate my weekend.