
It certainly feels a lot more linear, especially once it tracks you along to New Pork. That ending though…what a tear jerker without being insincere or forced (i.e. let's kill a beloved character to screw with the fan base) and interestingly ambiguous. I need to give it a good playthrough again some day.

The biggest thing to do with enemies like Gaffgarion is to stun or stop them. Its hard in the gallows because of the enemy formation. The same goes with the final battle with him because its ostensibly him and Ramza until you hit the switch to open the gate. His blood sword ability has good range and helps him a lot

I loved the story/concepts of P2 but I couldn't finish it because of the incredibly clunky combat and overbearing amount of random encounters. Maybe I should just use some hacks and run through the game so I could get a reference base for what you're talking about.

I like Ocarina and beat it again recently. Its great and all but I never got the mega fan love other than it was the first 3D Zelda. Personally, I love Twilight Princess a whole lot more.

Oh definitely. It helps a lot but you still have to get used to it and its pretty troublesome during the invasion sequence. It doesn't help that you're incredibly underpowered in that scene as well.

I love 7. I played it a lot as a kid as I was exposed to X and then 7 and just sort of ran from there since it was a "Megaman game". I never found the game too unwieldy, though for my young untrained reflexes, it was pretty difficult. It had some really good level music though, like the cloud boss and the ice boss. I

Grew up on those at the big entertainment center as a kid. They were included as unlocks in the Megaman Anniversary Collection. I remember liking 1 as a kid but I never played 2. They're hilarious fun but certainly not real games.

That camera system really is horrendous. I love Legends and played it a bunch when I had a copy. I tried playing it recently and forgot how horrible it truly is which is too bad because the game itself is so much fun.

Its one of the best games around. The dungeon design is tight, the world is pretty open, and the story is interesting enough to add a little flavor to the steak. I always loved the idea of the Light/Dark World too. The Dark World's music is also pretty kickass which helps.…

Eh, as long as you're having fun. Once I reach the point of frustrated, I reach for a guide or a hint. Especially now since Ocarina of Time the games have become much more elaborate, you'll miss tons of stuff. I don't mind being challenged, but once you hit a certain point of backtracking over and over it gets

FF9 and Earthbound are two of my most favorite games. They are definitely top notch in different ways. 9's narrative thrust is so strong and the world just draws you in that you can't help but play through it in a mad run. Having to stop for sidequests, even though it will help in future battles, seems like a chore

Sadly it was hit with a DMCA the day it came out. It should be available through torrenting though. I'm sure that will be up for forever.
That said, I have played some of it and its really fun! I love the new color scheme, the Metroids are done really well and the new boss battles are really great. I actually had more

I never beat it without cheating. I could never figure out the puzzle to beat temple 6 I think it was. The one with the face on the floor for a boss. I used the SELECT cheat to move into the room and solve the rest from there.

Its why I hated the ending choices. The overarching morality was that you should choose old friends over survivability. If there was any show of him wanting to redeem himself or any showing of being good then maybe I would be a bit more remorseful. But no its just ham fisted, hackneyed character writing with poor

Yeah, I shot Kenny as well. Though the game's ending seemed to imply that I should choose old friends over people who can survive the best despite the fact that the whole game shows that without the ability to survive, most people are useless. Compound that fact with Kenny being an insane asshole just makes any chance

Damn! Day late and dollar short to the discussion but I have to make a token appearance anytime music comes up, especially from such great soundtracks as Chrono Cross and The World Ends With You. I never played the game but a friend of mine turned me on to:
Besaid Island Final Fantasy X/X-2:…

I backed Project Phoenix myself, amongst a couple of others, and have been satisfied with the results so far. The couple I have backed that are successful look to be doing great in development (Tokyo Dark looks like its going to be fantastic) and I eagerly await to play them. Phoenix is sadly languishing and I'm glad

There was an episode where they were setting up a party, I think a birthday for the kid or something. They hire a comedian who is trying out his material before the show and does a whole joke in binary. I have no idea how to translate it into English, but I've heard the joke is pretty good.

Double reply! I would argue that the lack of more Chrono games is less about the staying power of the "brand" as they both sold incredibly well I believe. However, I know the "Dream Team" is mostly spread amongst the staff working on FFXI which I think has limited their want of making more of these games. Though