
While I disagree with the friend who stated that CT was over rated trash, I will admit to Chrono Cross being one of the best games ever. Both games have excellent story and characters, great music, interesting fantasy and sci fi elements, an interesting end boss…tons of stuff to like about both of them. Technically

I mentioned it below, but his chops shone through the most for me on The Harder They Fall. That movie has some amazingly impressive moments and his final sort of monologue in that movie is unparallelled.

My favorite has to be his final film, The Harder They Fall. It has one of those moments, like Harvey Keitel in Reservoir dogs when he's yelling about Mr. Orange (What the FUCK was I supposed to do?!), where character and actor, viewer and screen stop existing and you see true, raw acting.

I think its Uematsu's most mature work. It has elements of Baroque, jazz, bebop, classical, Renaissance…and how he incorporates them all into one cohesive soundtrack is impressive. I grew up on 7 and love its soundtrack, but I think 9 is his opus.

I suppose. I think of a hub as a main central area you need to travel through to play the game but Bend of Time requires a New Game+ and you never really need to go there. That said, its theme is beautifully relaxing.

Listening to the guy's rendition of Blue Fields that I posted makes me realize that apparently Uematsu had half of the FF9 opening theme already figured out. At about 2:30 the B section of the song begins and you can hear the exact chords and half the melody that he based the main theme of 9 around. I noticed this

It does but it sadly isn't a hub. Lovely song though, very sweet, lightly played guitar.

I just wish the "Dream Team" behind Cross would get let onto other projects. Mitsuda may have left the company but I wonder if they could coax him back as an independent contractor or something. Sadly, most of the team has been stuck on the dev team for FFXI and while I liked a lot of what they did with that game,

If only there were more…

Sadly that's Trigger (which I posted above).

Chrono Trigger is always a good choice. Mitsuda's pieces are quite lovely here, even on the limited ppower of the SNES' music playing abilities. "Brink of Time" summarizes the game so well. A nice, quite opening lulls you into relaxed complacency. As it goes on it becomes pensive, almost ominous as it reaches its

Backside of the TV always seems underrated to me. I really love its aggressive feel, as if you're preparing for some kind of war march.

They asked for Youtube links so here's a nice one of Balamb Garden on piano. Been learning the instrument myself so I gravitate a lot towards a nice piano version of the FF themes. They really do sound lovely as a solo piano piece.

I wish Chrono Cross had a "hub theme". It has an endless litany of tracks that are beautiful genius, yet there is no base of operations within the game.

I don't much care for 8, but "Balamb Garden" is really lovely. And the overworld theme (Blue Fields?) is nicely tropical without being outlandish.

It truly is an amazing game. The only criticism that sticks is that there are too many characters and I agree, someone on the team should have told the project directors that they didn't need, and couldn't properly fit in, that many characters. Other than that, its the most exquisite buffet. I can't think of

Oh man, I just thought it about it: Why don't they do an HD release of Chrono Cross? I would instantly buy that. That game was quite beautiful, and I would love to see it updated without all the hard pixels.

I might do that. Its interesting though, I heard they had lost a lot of their original assets with the merger of Enix which is why they didn't do this release sooner. I wonder how that happens? And then I wonder how they updates the game. Did they just get an old PS1 copy, play through it, and tell their artists to

Yeah, my friend sent me a link to it last night. It looks gorgeous and is obviously not just a simple port, which is something to be thankful for. I'm a little torn on whether or not to get it now. If I do get it now, I probably won't play it for a good while. I'm also cheap and could easily hold out for a few

Ah yes, good old Gargan Roo (I think? I always get it confused with the tunnel connecting the continents). It had such a fun little theme too. 9 is probably one of Uematsu's best, if not the best, of his FF soundtracks. It shows an artistic maturity and combination of playing techniques and compositional style