
I have Planescape but haven't played it. White Wolf pretty much blows chunks though. Their systems aren't terrible, but their source material is awfully weak and I hate their godawful, atrocious dreck they use for "content" between the rules. I had one amazingly impressive WW game where I played as non-Hunter

I only remember a What Are You Playing This Weekend article talking about it a little while back…if there was a full review I probaby skimmed or just skipped it. I have a lot of friends who fap to this game's difficulty but said nothing of its world, exploration, sparse storytelling and such. So I got calloused

Waiting for the original to go on sale to coincide with 2's release. I've been adamantly against this game until I saw Yahtzee review it. Since he was coming from the exact same place I came from and talked up all the bits I would love about the game. I'm indifferent about difficulty and more about the exploration

"Homer, that's not very nice."

There are a lot of Flareons named "False Prophet" on the market as well, so I hear.

I didn't follow a lot of this (my friend was a huge fan so I know of the false prophet and the helix fossil) but that wild card gif…it's absolutely killing me!

Star Ocean talked about it as well and it was pretty out of left field.

I only mind having an audience because I grew up in a household where you have to "entertain" your guests. So, I get annoyed not at them but at myself for not being a good host, even when people tell me they'd rather just watch me play because they like videogames. It's funny though, if we were to watch a movie,

It's much more enjoyable than watching someone breed chocobos in FFXI…mostly because it takes a round month or so to get it in good shape. That and if you want to breed a REALLY good choco, it takes an epic amount of cash and chance because the breeding system is so horridly RNG.

This really shouldn't be as funny as it is.

How does no one recognize it? Every time I see your avatar it instantly makes me want to play that game. Have we become so foolish as to forget the majesty that is Psychonauts?

The idea of plagiarisation is always a controversial topic. In academic circles it heavily frowned upon, but using paraphrasing or quotes to explain your meaning is okay. As a launching point, we could say the same goes for art. Literally using every single note, down to the solo, from "Day Tripper" is

BBC's "The Fades". A neat modern horror show that was rather intricate and played like a White Wolf Hunters game, except it has actual good writing instead of that trash filler they put in. It ends on a cliffhanger that was being foreshadowed the whole season and then was never picked up for a second season. Bully

I'm somehow not surprised that even across the country "Humboldt" still manages to be involved with smoking weed.

I'm a Chie man all the way. Ugh, this makes me want to play Persona 3 and 4 over again. I seriously need to do 3 again though, it needs to happen.

Cool. I really hope you enjoy it!

I don't know anything about this game, but I have a reply to something else you said.

Insta-win for a Marianne Faithfull name drop.

"Run for Your Life". Not exactly about seeing an ex, but a nice warning of "I'll kill you if you I see you with someone else." same general principle.

It's true. Japanese has consonant-vowel clusters when it comes to all their syllables. The only ones that don't do that are vowels themselves, except for "n". A, e, i, o, u are the other single letters, outside of that its always a consonant followed by a vowel. Pretty interesting stuff…at least to me.