
Yeah, its a good question to ponder. If I remember correctly, FF13-2 didn't sell all that well. I could be wrong of course, I don't follow those numbers too closely.

Probably because SE thought that their crap didn't stink and that they could just slap "Final Fantasy" on dog turds and expect the "otaku" to just eat it up because of brand recognition. Then they over saturated the market with is what are essentially bootleg FF titles and are then somehow surprised that their games

Doesn't Ni No Kuni roughly translate to "two world"? I know ni is 2 and kuni is world while no is one of those silly grammar particles I haven't quite nailed down yet…though of course I might be doing this too literally, I know Japanese has this huge boner for context.

Hahahaha, oh the 90's…were they planning for it to be extreme…LIKE DORITOS?!

Oh yeah. I think only Illusion of Gaia as sold here in America. That's what emulation is for though, playing games released in the PAL region that were strangely not released here. Makes me think about that Tingle game that came out…I heard that was really good.

Rumors abound when "Chrono Break" was a registered license by Sqaure for a little while. It's since expired, however. Apparently a majority of the Chrono team is still working on FFXI, which might explain the amazing expansion of Chains of Promathia. It's time to let them roam free though, I want a new Chrono game.

Ah, that's too bad. The system is just…so painfully clunky. The fusion spells are a fun idea (kinda reminiscent of Chrono Trigger) but it gets bogged down under its own weight. It had some really bad choices when it came to design, but the story is so cool…I almost want to Gameshark my way into insta-winning so I

Very true, and thanks for the comment! As I said, Burlew's original intention was to show characters with blindness righteousness not being "good" exactly.

I just read the "History of the franchise" summary on the Strange Journey site, so now it all makes sense (combined with your comment). I actually have a fan translated version of the SNES SMT, though I probably won't play it anytime soon.

What amazing also is Chrono Cross. They hand animated ALL the characters individual attacks. They could have used motion detection and animated over that, but they decided to do the harder job of hand animating it…why, I'll never know, but man that's some serious dedication.

It's alright, I already saw the final boss scene…and I noticed Yukino wasn't there but some other male looking character and I've just put 2 and 2 together.

Those cliff racers can burn in hell of a thousand fiery deaths.

I'm wondering if its just a cost issue, mixed with many others. Since I hear the portable gaming is the most played type of gaming (I heard this before the advent of iOS stuff) and RPGs take a lot of time…well, it may be the perfect storm to make portables the best vehicle for RPGs. Plus, since FF games have kinda

My friend is a massive fan of X-2, more so than X as well. He spends a lot of time convincing people that they should really play it.

Lol, how did we get this posting twice over across the threads? I have a fever and should be paying more attention! I haven't played Dark Souls (nor do I really have an interest) but I'm surprised at sometihng harder than P3 and 4, they were a bit of a shock to me after sweeping through FF games like nothing for

I'm not far enough in the game to have Jun….but I know who he is. I'd almost shout spoilers, but I kinda figured he will be in my party, especially since Yuuko (right?) doesn't get an upgraded Persona, which seems pretty central to character development.

Neat, I might give it a try….once I'm done pounding through the Persona games and…the other mountain of SMT stuff I want to start working on, hahahaha. Atlus has kinda become my new RPG company, to be honest, and I've actually been liking the games a lot more than the FF series, which I grew up on.

Whats baffling to me is how, all of a sudden, DS and 3DS have become the kings of JRPG distribution. The Vita is working its way into the ring as well, though it currently relies more on the PS+ than anything else for now.

I'm sure you don't play the online games, but FFXI and XIV do a great treatment of the job change system. Though, to be honest, XIV needs some serious work before it becomes a truly great game.

Never heard of "Strange Journey", guess I'll look it up.