
That's on PS2 right?

The thing I hate the most is when people do it in music circles, being a huge music fan myself. I love lots and lots of music, and don't like a good amount of music too…one time I had a customer chat with me about music and I didn't know the name of some rather obscure jazz pianist to which he replied, "Oh so you

This is part of what really drew me to the Persona games. They actually EXPECT you to use the status effects on monsters and bosses. I've had poison save my ass so many times in that game, along with many others. My favorite is that "debuffs" work all the time (some bosses are immune to confuse and such) and if you

I'm playing Persona 2:Innocent sin right now. After playing 3 and 4, its incredibly easy in comparison…I was actually a little let down in that regard, though the story is still very good. I want to try some of the SMT games though. I remember PSM having an article on one of the PS1 games from way back in the day

I really, really hope so. I mean, I know the creator of Metroid died (a tragic car accident, may he rest in peace) but it's time to stop just using some backstory he created to make games, and time to come up with some new stuff.

+1 for the rimshot.

Yeah, its a play, named after the wildly popular (in Japan) My Bloody Valentine album. Its too bad the game was pretty meh, but it had one very impressive cinematic involving Sephy and some super SOLDIER we never heard of until this game. I don't remember his name (not a memorable character) but he was a dedicated

True. I don't know if you've read 'The Order of the Stick" comics at all, but one of the most notably evil characters is a Lawful Good Paladin. Her righteousness to her cause makes her completely blind to whats going on around her and ultimately causes the destruction of her city and people. This wasn't exactly

I would object to the idea of being truly good being a life without abject failure. Surely, we can say that those who follow the good life and bettering others around them should lead to a fruitful and happy existence but we can see (especially in Ancient times) it's not always the case. Philosophers were commonly

Very true, it's immensely difficult to play Evil aligned characters in any game that has an alignment system, or most RPGs in general.

Nah, I'm not a min-maxer, but I mean…it's Minsc. He's the best. I guess I always "roleplay" as a hero all the time. At best I can do my CN halfling, who's not outright evil, but isn't exactly out to save everyone's backside.

Oh yeah, Bert Jansch does a lot of tunes in that tuning. Paige most notably does a sort of cover of "Black waterside", though he names it "Mountainside". I got really into British Folk-rock for a little while, which has some great tunes. But I also really like American work as well, such as Dos Watson or the ever

I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty true. I've been learning to play a lot of chords "Hendrix-style" (thumb on the 6th string) and it makes barre chords immensely easier, as well as allowing for interesting voicings (add6 and uh…I'm too sick come back later) more accessible. I've been getting into alternate tunings

Dude, you never got Minsc? How can you say that you've played BG unless you've gotten Minsc D:

That or, like many composers, he just really likes D major. By that I mean, he likes writing in something specific. I know a lot of people get into a certain way of writing, or as in my instrument, playing. Guitarists love that I-IV-V in E for some reason.

There's no way this would happen, but Futurama's passing mention of "Battle of the Network Space Krakens" makes me really want to watch that. I have no idea how that would pan out, but it sounds hilariously amazing.

There's actually a place out here in CA named the "Mystery Spot" in Santa Cruz. Seeing as how the creator of Sam and Max is from the Bay Area, I'm not surprised that he made a mention of that in his media.

I'd give you a million likes if I could. Hands down one of my favorite pair of characters from anything ever.

Aside from the weapon wielding heroes, I've actually seen the opera performed in person. Very nicely done and reminds me that I miss those Distant Worlds concerts. I haven't heard anything in a long time about them, it'd be nice to see them again.