
Another point for the videogames. The Persona series is notable for using a lot of Western occult and religious symbolism, not too uncommon in Japan to be honest. However, 3 and 4 (I don't know the first entries into the series well enough to comment) are quite heavily Christian and Platonic in theme, respectively.

My friend discussed with me a lot about the heavy Platonic themes that Nolan uses often in his movies. The most blatant use would be the straight out of the Republic, the allegory of the cave. When ol' Bruce is looking up out of the prison in DKR, it's so massively in your face Nolan might was well have put "THIS IS

They should have used old school Trebek and thrown the mustache on, that might have helped with the head proportions.

The second I heard about that I instantly knew that game was going to be bad. Call it a hunch, call it prejudice, but I just had the knowledge.

Crimson Echoes may not have actually received the cease and desist though…it's hard to tell. The devs are partial trolls, claiming they made the whole thing up for publicity, and then saying that was ALSO a hoax so…who knows.

True, but…I want a damned sequel already! Metroid Fusion was impressively cool and story driven for a Metroid game, and they just kinda butchered some of the backstory out of it for "Other M". I want to know what happens to Samus after she explodes a freaking Galactic Federation government genetic research facility

Chrono Series from SE?

I've enjoyed a bit of Mana 1 and 2, but the game that holds a place in my heart is Secret of Evermore. I know that (at least among my more…weaboo friends) it wasn't popular for a lot of folks, but I loved it. The combat system was generally the same, though the sheer amount of spells was a bit annoying, especially

I can understand. I was like that when it first happened, and I'm still a bit miffed to be honest. I miss all the neat little features that used to run on here. In fact, "Game That Tune" was the first article I posted on (persona 4)! I still miss my everyday articles, it always nice to have something to treat

Haha, thanks man. I lurk the articles a lot, but I don't post much. I'm usually daaaaaaays behind the comments but I've been home sick for a good chunk of time which means I post more…I'm getting a little stir crazy to be honest, haahhaah.

Number one Megaman song: Storm Eagle stage. I love all the modern covers people do, especially from this guy who does a great series of videogame covers:…

Yeah, yeah! That was a great game. Now that I have a controller for my computer, I might give this one a replay!

Oh yeah the ELF system. It is an upgradeable point system that unlocks the ability, should you spend enough points. It has stuff like Energy Tanks, larger life bar, stuff like that. In exchange you get automatic penalties to your level score, which makes it hard to get A and S ranks if you have more and more

I knew where that link was going as well. I always try to bleach that scene out of my head…but no, it's still stuck in there.

Looking at this makes me think…my God I was like this in high school also…wasn't I?

Was that the neat one where you had to fight all the bosses that were named after planets? I barely remember it as a kid, but i always stuck out as one of the more badass megaman iterations.

Oh my god…who the hell is hosting this site still?!

I didn't really find X2 or 3 all that fun, to be honest. X4 was a total blast (despite that horrid voice acting as linked in the article) and I loved how you had to change play styles radically as X or Zero.

This sounds like a great idea. I didn't know there were that many Megaman fan games out there.