
Yeah that's been my biggest hurdle for Innocent Sin is its battle system is soooooo clunky. I want to do Eternal Punishment as well, but I might save that for another day. I really want to play through 3 again.

I may be a lurker, but I would like to consider myself part of the Persona crew. Hell, I'm actually planning to buy a PS3 specifically to play it…I don't have much of a reason to own one otherwise, and I damn sure ain't getting it for FF13.

I'm days late (which makes me sad for the comments here) so I don't know if I will get a reply, but I missed what happened to Effigy? She just not cool with the new site build? I know I was kind of bitter that we lost our daily articles, though that's not the fault of the head crew.

I do miss the old skill names quite a bit, to be honest. I remember the new script actually being a bit more understandable, even if the attempt at an odd sense of prose we're not used to didn't pan out the best. Of course, the best re write would be Zalbaag's reveal when he has Dycedarg at sword point, "How could

One of the re-releases that played outt well (at least in Japan, first time in America) was Persona 2: Innocent Sin. They made up a new opening movie and song (which, personally is a bit better than the original), remastered the soundtrack and did a more working translation of the script than the fan translation.

This is a hilariously brilliant idea. Like, I don't think you could make a really big game out of this, but it would be a fun browser game or something…

I saw "doki-doki" and thought "Why would someone make a game about heart flutters?" Now that I've read the article, it makes more sense, but I was still a bit confused….

Or if you're like me and just refuse to read all the mapping and just decide to play the game on a whim…that helps.

Good to know. Thanks for the information, as this must be rather recent because I checked their website a few days ago and say no news, which is why I was in a bit of a quandry here. I might grab it should the third chapter come out soon, simply because I like having more than half the game released as I know I will


I'm the same way. I'm kinda "meh" when it comes to popular zombie properties at this point. They need to be standout, not a punchline in and of itself (hur hur, here comes another zombie flick, the nerds will eat it up!). I've resisted watching the television show since it doesn't sound like it's for me and am not

Well, they only didn't play their instruments on their first album…and technically second album which was just a collection of B-Sides they didn't even know about.  One of them actually got so pissed that they punched a hole in a wall while aiming for his manager.  They did write their own music and play their own

Godzilla Vs. Megalon is one of my all time favs.  It has a bunch of great jokes, and the best segment I've ever seen.  I know you said they aren't a factor but…….  Watch that and tell me you aren't just laughing uncontrollably. 

This sounds like that cartoon they reference on the Simpsons as what was essentially Russia's version of Itchy and Scratchy where they hate capitalism and is poorly drawn.

I think it comes from the Monkees. It was the singer (I think?) who couldn't play an instrument so he used a tambourine.  Seeing as how Popular the Monkees were, it probably spawned from that.

Agreed, that is a fantastic phrase.  Also, how many disused carnivals and broken down houses do they run into?  Alss, are they all just in Louisiana?  I just can't imagine them being anywhere else…if not there then at least somewhere in the deep south.

It's true.  The Digimon franchise banked on the Tamagotchi like toys and some other merchandise.  That and Digimon weren't really supposed to be collected like Pokemon, you had the one who was super loyal to you like a badass.  You're also right, the first and (I suppose) second runs of the Digimon show were darker

Escape from the House of Mummies is my single favorite Venture Bros. episode.  Second to second it has me entertained.  I'm not saying that the other episodes suck (though Guess Who's Coming to State Dinner? eh…) but it really is just fantastic.  I mean, come on, two Brock Samsons in the same scene, the guy who

Uh, Brock, there's a ten foot tall man in my pool pointing a beam at my head.  Do something?

Arigato, we love you
Arigato, we love you