
Cyclists and cops - two groups that often think they are above the law and are loved only by their own kind.

Fuel Cells

Just as a point of clarification, it is not illegal to ask these questions, it’s illegal to make hiring decisions based on the answers to those questions. For that reason, most HR companies will strongly discourage their interviewers from asking them in order to avoid potentially opening themselves up to litigation.

If you are asked an illegal question, and you are not secretly taping the interview, then suck it up and answer it. In this economy you can’t afford not to, and unless you are taping it (which is probably illegal, it is in most jurisdictions) it is your word against the interviewer who only has to say that another

I can’t seem to decide what particular flavor of killjoy/shitbird/asshat you are. Like, what’s the cause of your, seemingly unwarranted, shitting all over professional cosplayers? (or apparently any higher quality cosplayer in general)?

Gnarsies sounds like a dick. Reddit sounds like a cesspool. The LoL community sounds positively toxic. Which is a shame because the game would be a lot more fun if it wasn’t so heavily infused with marauding dicks. Nonetheless, I am glad I’m not involved with any of these things, and I feel sorry for this guy that his

I don’t think you’re getting the amount of kinetic energy involved here. A hypersonic slug should impact like a damn warhead, and that’s without factoring in any explosive loads/shrapnel area effects. I’d love to see one of these videos showing the crater in whatever backstop they’re using. Although I think a lot of

OOHH! Zinger there! Because if somebody fucked up in the past, they forever forfeit the right to recognize when other people fuck up. Makes sense.

Because this story is fake and didn’t actually happen?

This sounds like awful advice. What are you doing the rest of the time? hanging out in a hotel room? Then you spend one day running around doing everything you would normally take the entire week to do? How about the reverse make sure you leave a single day unplanned. Also just be reasonable about what you can

ArenaNet has done some pretty good stuff when it comes to dealing with people. A while ago they had a reddit thread where people could ask why they got banned for offensive language. ArenaNet would then post the offending remark with a time stamp.
They were justified in all bans that I saw.

How the hell are those text messages not proof?

Again, you are a complete and total shit for brains.

Listen everyone, we’ve all been there. The guy in the car next to you thinks he’s hot shit and you want to take him down a peg. Maybe there’s a girl in your passenger seat. Maybe you know the guy and you have a friendly rivalry. Maybe you just want to show off.

All C-17s fly with Little Giant ladders that store inside of the aircraft, they mount to the side walls. If you are doing “heavy” maintenance, you just lower the cargo ramp and roll a maintenance stand into the cargo bay.

Here’s why they did it. Because they can and there will be absolutely NO REPERCUSSION to their bottom line. None. Nata. Zip. Zilch.

Alternate headlines for this story:

I’ve never commented on Kinja nor have i felt compelled to. But I can’t help myself; the current state of America is completely fucked. Period. And no one is listening.