
You know what Australia doesn’t have?

Grizzly bears
Mountain Lions/Cougars/Pumas/Seriously why do these cats have three names
Grizzly bears
Lizards that squirt blood out their eyes (pretty sure they don’t have those)
Grizzly bears
Grizzly bears

Sure, things in Australia are toxic (although, as some folks have

Just so you’re aware, you should really have that checked out, even now.

The scar tissue left behind by long-term cysts and lesions like that has a dramatically increased risk of developing some particularly nasty types of cancer. Sometimes its relatively trivial to cut out the scar tissue. Sometimes its not trivial.


HS can be horrifically terrible. My wife suffers from it. I hope yours is manageable.

Sure, but if there’s something buried in there, how many people aren’t even going to notice that there’s something special? If someone does, what is the likelihood that they’re going to post it online?

To each their own. I’ve always found their first album to be phenomenal, and that’s not even usually my kind of music.

I love the film. A lot.

I just desperately wish that someone would have been allowed to do a stupidity check over the script. Any lines in the film that are inherently just-flat-stupid (e.g. “Gypsy’s analog. Nuclear.”) needed to have 5 minutes spent on them and reworked.

When a script is deeply stupid in a way that

Oddly enough, I heard Shyamalan’s most recent movie wasn’t too bad.

You don’t put them behind the camera. You don’t have them write the screenplays. They form a... guidance council that carves out and crafts the universe, the characters, the stories, the actors. They write the world story. They set the tone. They have creative control, but aren’t responsible for every last little

They wouldn’t be noteworthy if they were common.

It wasn’t even that bad of a joke! I mean, it was kind of bland, but it wasn’t total-silence bad. He didn’t even say anything offensive. Of course the Republicans think Obama’s a bad president. That’s not a controversial thing to say.

No, you don’t. Broadcast (TV and radio) tobacco advertisements have been illegal since January 2, 1971.

Fair enough. Maybe I’m just spoiled being in Dallas. The economy here has never been so bad that you couldn’t get temp clerical work. Not in the past 25+ years, at any rate.

Did you go to a temp service?

Okay, I’d never considered this scenario before. Is the money owed to the kids, even in back payments?

Here’s the scenario that would kind of spell it out:

Let’s say the dad’s never in the kid’s life, from birth. Court orders him to pay child support. He goes on the lam and no one sees him. His child support debt starts

He almost certainly types fast and fairly accurately. There are ALWAYS positions open for someone with 5 polo shirts, 2 pairs of khakis, and the ability to type.

As the owner of an NC power hard top, I can confirm. I don’t drive around with the top down nearly as much as I would if I had a soft top.

And it’ll come. The current generation is pretty darn new still.

I have an NC hard top. I have mixed feelings about it. I mean, I love it. It’s a Miata, and a hoot to drive.

But, on the hard vs. soft front, I have mixed feelings. I like that I have a hard top. It’s quieter on the highway (a little), and y’know, it’s a big chunk of metal over my head. However, in order to take the

Exactly this. Left lane is for passing. If the speed limit is 65, and the traffic in the right lane is going 45, and someone pulls into the left lane going 55, then AS LONG AS THEY ARE OVERTAKING TRAFFIC TO THEIR RIGHT, then no one has anything to complain about. Period.

They’re passing the truck driver with the camera, right?