Sleestak Chopra

They also claimed that they cost (can’t find the figure - I believe $67 per auto-injector?) to manufacture. REALLY? That sounds like complete bullshit.

Jesus Christ. Can somebody waterboard this dummy with a fucking bottle of JUST until he admits that he doesn’t know anything? I was 17 and stupid once too, but I didn’t have access to million of dollars, a famous father and 10 million followers to spout nonsense to. This fucking dummy is dangerous.

This is one of the most “up against a deadline with nothing to write about” articles ever.

C’mon, that’s not what he said.

The exciting thing is that we’re watching a species learn a new skill and develop a new strategy for reproduction.

I think that’s an overly pc reaction to a basic message of education and responsibility for our future. It’s not “the poor” that are being lampooned. I’m poor and always have been. I’m from a working class area and my family was a “broken home”. I don’t have kids or any money and I don’t feel lampooned here.

I’m not up in arms and I don’t give a shit about the bug.

The wasp just wanted to go home. The douche is “Coyote” or whatever he calls himself, who worked extra hard to get stung for youtube views.

Oh’s worse than I thought.

Hyperbole? What’s that? Let me look it up. It says: “exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.”

Then why comment? And twice, at that. This was directed at one person. I named her. I spoke directly to her. She can answer me if she likes. Are you that person? You’re not.

Sure it is. It’s not the only one, and it’s not a surefire indicator, but it’s a good one, especially at certain ages and when tied to other indicators, like: writing style, subject matter, and empty threats to a multi-billion dollar global organization based on how uncool their spokesman is.

No. It describes a person who is young and still of the age range where one does the dumb things that young people do, due to inexperience and immaturity. Whether flipping burgers or writing schlock internet content means little: you can, and most assuredly will be, a dumb kid at some point.

...aaaand the proof that you’re a hipster- poser. Thanks for finally admitting it.

Fair enough, thanks. Sorry, my sarcasm detector was running low of charge.

Now playing

Are Nazi rape jokes funny? How about the pineapple up Hitler’s ass joke? (Granted it’s an Adam Sandler movie, so I’ll give you that it’s not hilarious.)

She’s fucking right. I’ve been waiting for Black Panther since the retooling of the MCU happened 10 years ago and he has NOT disappointed. He’s the baddest motherfucker in the place.

This is where “socially conscious” turns into “overly pc nonsense”. I’m all for safe, focused work environments (and certainly Apple needs to investigate and make sure that they have one) and I’m certainly no rape apologist, but people in an office joke around and blow off steam. Griping about workmates quoting a

I’m an audio engineer. Guess what? We use 1/4" and TRS connectors based on the original Bell System 1/4" and Bantam/TT systems all the time. I’m using them right now. As you say, they’re basically the same as your headphone jack. They work great.

1. This guy’s a douche. It’s certainly possible regret might have set in and the girl might be lying, but I don’t see why it would happen right on the spot.