Sleestak Chopra

Nonsense; it’s fun as fuck. It’s silly, over the top, ham-fisted, great fun. It captures the essence of the general 80’s aesthetic and pokes fun of the videos & the terribly acted/directed grindhouse movies we loved. And it lets us enjoy them from our safe and hazy perspective of 30 years of sophistication and

How about this? This is all awful advice. It breaks down to this:

Ummm...should I have washed this banana hammock first?

Also: cake.

Using the balls of your hands creates a whole other problem. :)

Somebody walk in, smash the mirror, be done.

What I love about all these stories is the charm and dignity.

This is a lot of work for ice cubes. I’m gonna suggest instead that you drop those ice cubes in a glass of scotch and quit being so fucking fussy.

“There’s no spotlight on you.” Absolutely. As a shy person, I sometimes forget that, but you have to remember, “no one cares what you do” and “you’re not that important”. Ultimately, you’re exactly as invisible as you want to be.

You’ve convinced me: Hummers are shit.

This seems pretty straightforward. Is it selfish? No, not inherently;you can decide anything you want. You can decide you're done with eating and just die. You can decide you're done with money and only barter doilies. You can decide from now on your principle means of communication will be juggling. You decide

Fuck is wrong with people? A great example of why the interwebz is the best and worst thing that's ever happened to humanity. It's like cocaine: it just lets you be the asshole you already were inside.
He may be a scientifically illiterate moron with ridiculous religious superstitions, but Schilling was 100% right

Simple: go with it. Help them with what you already know turns them on. Sex isn't always about love, passion, your ego, etc... sex is sometimes just about maintenance, people need to get one out. Be a good partner and help them.

It's a tough sell. Women almost never go for the "excuse me, would you care to have sex on stage at a DK concert?" You've really gotta prime the pump first.

Some of this list is great and some of this list is meh. There's classic lit and sci fi, modern lit and sci fi classics, some popular books widely considered good and then there are just some shitty popular novels.

The curse of being in your 20's - burning waaay too fuckin' much energy thinking about fitting in: who fits in and who doesn't, who's sold out and who hasn't, and how you're much, much realer than they all are.

"I must not fear.

I was just saying this last week: if I had to deal with guys hitting on me all day everyday since I was 13, I would have snapped and been cracking skulls a long time ago. Women definitely go through a lot of unnecessary bullshit. (Although my personal favorite was "Hey! I just saw a thousand dollars!")

Sour grapes.

Louie's playing with language and societal expectations, both of him and of the populace at large. I'm sure you get that already but still want to hang on to your indignant anger, as do most people. Fight the temptation; there's something bigger going on.