Some of this list is great and some of this list is meh. There's classic lit and sci fi, modern lit and sci fi classics, some popular books widely considered good and then there are just some shitty popular novels.
Some of this list is great and some of this list is meh. There's classic lit and sci fi, modern lit and sci fi classics, some popular books widely considered good and then there are just some shitty popular novels.
The curse of being in your 20's - burning waaay too fuckin' much energy thinking about fitting in: who fits in and who doesn't, who's sold out and who hasn't, and how you're much, much realer than they all are.
"I must not fear.
I was just saying this last week: if I had to deal with guys hitting on me all day everyday since I was 13, I would have snapped and been cracking skulls a long time ago. Women definitely go through a lot of unnecessary bullshit. (Although my personal favorite was "Hey! I just saw a thousand dollars!")
Sour grapes.
Louie's playing with language and societal expectations, both of him and of the populace at large. I'm sure you get that already but still want to hang on to your indignant anger, as do most people. Fight the temptation; there's something bigger going on.
Relax. It's not tokenizing anyone if you're already friends and you're asking for tips or for someone to help you with something they're particularly able to do better than you.
Or you could tell Facebook to go fuck itself for creating ridiculously complex weighting and privacy systems.
Cool. Well, Adobe Audition IS your daw but you're basically just using it as a 2 track recorder, which is fine. The most straightforward for you is probably this:
Couple of answers and points.
I've been a recording engineer for almost 2 decades (sigh). The 58 is probably the world's most popular microphone (with it's sister the sm57 a close second) but they're usually not used in studio recording (the 57 is, however, popular in studios. It's used on snares and guitar amps). They make fine live mics…
Bigotry and white cultural appropriation; still living strong.
I do the same. Grab the jar, head to a Walmart, get what I need and go through the self-service check out line. You can pour the coins into the hopper; it counts them quickly and easily and at no charge. Done.
The new Punisher movie starring Kenny Powers looks great!
Been using Unified Remote for a year now. Easy, simple, functional, multiple remote interfaces and free. When you pay for it you get even more remote interfaces. Worth using.
Buffalo's not New York.
This was pretty wrong.