
Fuck Donald Trump a million and half times. I hope pretending to be president ruins his life.

Currently imagining Michael Scott in Times Square.

“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”

Every time there is an opportunity to lay bare his incompetence and fundamental indecency, and to point out the behavior rendering him unsuitable for public office, I will do it.

I am curious; has there ever been a discussion at Jezebel along the lines of “At what point do we just stop giving Trump’s crybaby tweets attention?” - I mean he’s obviously gonna fart out one of these every. single. time. someone says something critical about him or makes fun of him. Do you see yourself writing one

he’ll cry about how he’s being persecuted. I think he may need a safe space.

“Bone spurs.”

humanitarian aid to African countries was like the ONE thing W. got right.

Plus the inability to take the long view on international security - by fostering positive international relations first.

I think that our first and foremost reason for doing things should be that we care about other people, but it also irks my pragmatic side that Trump (& Republicans in general) see no benefit to themselves in helping other people. If we invest less in Africa, who is going to step in? China.

The Africa

What do you bet that he thinks it’s one country?

“With so much corruption in Africa,...

Trump will be sworn in as President, but I honestly do not think he will last long. The left hates him. The right only tolerates him at the moment because they still think he will rubber stamp anything they pass, but they see him as expendable, and will impeach him as soon as he becomes a greater liability than an

My favorite thing about this election is that the same people who always bitched that Obama was soft on Putin are now enthusiastically supporting a guy who is openly sucking his dick. Excuse my language.

i’m trying to buy a house right now.

I feel like I’m wearing a tin-foil hat here, but here goes: something in the meeting is leading the dems to think Comey himself is compromised at this point.

Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

retired general Michael Flynn, a member of the Trump transition team