
That claptrap about antibiotics being “the sacrament of the patriarchy” made me see red. That woman could have died. That child in Alberta whose parents made him turmeric smoothies instead of taking him to emergency and getting him antibiotics for meningitis DID DIE. When I was six years old and my appendix burst, I

I’m sorry for your loss.

Thanks, she is. She had her bladder removed and now has an internal neo-bladder and a stoma - and has been cancer-free for a few years now. I hope your mom’s test results are positive. But even if it is cancer, bladder cancer is highly treatable and there have been lots of advancements in treatment, even since my mom

My mom had a long history with UTIs and became antibiotic resistant a few years ago. She had to have a picc line put in and daily antibiotic infusions for several weeks. Her doctor was prescribing her broad-spectrum antibiotics like they were candy (before it was discovered that she actually had bladder cancer and had

At work, I write fucking everything down in a notebook I carry everywhere with me, so I actually run out of ink pretty frequently.

When I was a kid, I looooved trying out different pens in office supply stores. I was an odd child.

I’m a Pilot V5 needlepoint fan, but yes. The G2 is also fantastic.

That is fucking terrifying.

I am the social media coordinator at my work and I don’t use Twitter in my personal life because I don’t want to spend my off-hours working. But I also just find Twitter overwhelming, like being in the middle of a room of people all yelling at each other and not listening to anyone else.

I wish I could star this comment more than once, and I’m deeply sorry you went through what you did in your childhood. Keep fighting the good fight.

But...where does that “nationalist chauvinism” comes from? From capitalism’s failures to serve the interests of the working class.

This is me, 100%

Yup, another Bundy in the making.

Hearing impairment obviously has nothing to do with intelligence and it’s ignorant and hurtful to imply it does. But can I just say, even if someone does have an intellectual disability, they’re not stupid or retarded. People with intellectual disabilities deserve dignity too, and those words hurt.

I feel like I’m chained to my Yaz for life, too! I tried to go off it a few years ago and, surprise, my skin revolted in a bad way. So I went right back on it.

I still don’t quite know if the horrible anxiety disorder and frequent panic attacks I suffered years ago were from the birth control I was on or my abusive ex-boyfriend...or a combo of the two. Luckily, I had a doctor who unequivocally believed me when I said I felt like I was going crazy and prescribed me a

Which should be a GIANT FLASHING WARNING SIGN that he is the worst kind of person to have any sort of influence on American foreign policy.

But I jump out of my seat and squinch my eyes shut for half of the film, I’m not brave.

I haaaaaaate torture porn movies, but I do enjoy psychological/supernatural stuff or monster movies, even though I get scared super easily. I loved Stranger Things even though I had to sleep with the lights on after watching it, haha. To each their own!

Shaving is super exfoliating!