
In defense of the term, it's not as bad as you're making it sound here. It's just about cultivating relationships as part of the fundraising process, rather than directly applying for grants or requesting financial support. As someone who works in the non-profit world, I can attest that fundraising is not this evil

Also, stand on the right and walk on the left on the damn escalator! God!

I agree, it's enormously unfair. I think her focus on Peeta and obtaining clemency for the Victors makes perfect sense. She's been through this enormous amount of trauma and her life is basically being taken away from her by both the good guys and the bad guys and it makes sense to me that she would cling to one of

Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, Kerouac, Bukowski....none of the guys I dated who liked these authors were anything other than unmitigated assholes.

Any Ayn Rand books on his bookshelf

Oh, I think I have an odd one. I won't date men who dislike and disapprove of fiction. If his entertainment roster is all documentary movies and non-fiction books (especially military history and biographies), we're not going to get along.

That's not quite accurate. She did a documentary about the medicalization of childbirth. From my understanding, she's quite pro-reproductive rights for women.

He damn well knows. And his PR firm damn well knows. And it's extremely shitty.

I think that is directly in reference to how Ghomeshi threw his professional weight around in that Facebook status. Still shitty, though.

I agree that we shouldn't downplay the agency and self-possession of younger women. But there is a certain type of guy that goes after much younger women precisely because he thinks they will be easier to control or less likely to stand up to them. I'm suspicious of dudes that exclusively date much younger women

Funnily enough, I was having this exact conversation last weekend at a dinner party and Jian Ghomeshi came up as the uber-example of the douche that dates younger women because of the power differential. He's known for it.

REALLY disappointing. But the more I think about it, the more goddamn brilliant I think Navigator was to propose this particular PR strategy. Playing on the well-entrenched Canadian attitude of "what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom," in combination with the whole "kink shaming" narrative, has gotten a lot

Oh my god, YES to all your points, but especially #4. I am so dismayed by all the "progressive" people I know who are immediately, unquestioningly buying into this "kink shaming" narrative.


I really resent the implication that anyone's sexual boundaries might indicate they are somehow mentally ill. My abusive as fuck ex used to pull this shit on me all the time, trying to coerce me into sex acts that were painful and unpleasant for me by telling me I had psychosexual issues because I didn't want to do

I've never once bought the Disney fairytale, actively never included finding "the one" on my to-do list, but deep, deep, deep down in my soul, I craved reciprocity, to feel my own level of passion reflected back upon me instead of feeling like I was throwing it all into a fucking black hole.

Why does this not have more recommendations?!

It's not just a teenager thing. Adults with delayed sleep phase disorder deal with this, too. I actually cannot fall asleep before midnight unless I totally physically exhaust myself, and even then it's not always reliably possible.