
It may have a 91% rating on the Tomatometer from 462 results, but the audience rating is 43% from 218,757 user results. This is arguably the more-important metric.

I fully respect your opinion, but I fundamentally disagree. I particularly disagree with your comparison between Half-Life and other games, as they’re not a fair comparison at all: more like a reductio ad absurdum.

Before I write any more, I wish to state that, as a fellow conscious and feeling being, I mean no

Let me begin by saying that I respect Value employees’ needs and desires as individuals. Additionally, I am happy for the gamers who both want virtual reality games and can afford sufficiently good hardware to use with it.

That said, I am disappointed with Value’s decisions.

Virtual reality, like 3D films, is not for

*looks for Critical Role voice actors*
*sees none*
*is disappointed*

If it helps, you can block these in Ublock Origin:

During the Boxing Day sales?

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I disagree that Google Stadia not succeeding is disappointing for anyone other than their shareholders. If it succeeded in the current world we’re in, there would be no continued push for faster, full-fibre connections and it would erode the idea of games as goods rather than services.

Unfortunately that information isn’t correct. The US has been requesting those things: even the Tories know that this would be dumb.

The problem of misinformation is that:
(1) It often seems probable, so our innate defences towards it are lowered.
(2) It makes us more inclined to group into factions: “us” and “the

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Times like these remind me of a Monty Python quote:
“I’d like to be in programming planning actually, but unfortunately I’ve got a degree.”

The solution is not to make another gimmicky, 90s-style, kids-only adventure. The rebooted film was a step in the right direction in terms of grit and theme: they need to

I wonder how much it cost them to use The Dream Of Life by Alan Watts. Interesting narration choice though. I wonder if the trailer makers were fans of the game Everything, which also used quotes from Alan Watts.

I respect your differing opinion, but I must say, I don’t recognise the issues you’re describing. I am increasingly enjoying His Dark Materials and am looking forward to each new episode.

Regardless, I do not wish to downplay your thoughts or to insinuate that mine are correct. I merely wish to present a dissenting

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I think you mixed up The Last Jedi and The Force Awakens.

On the subject of The Last Jedi, I recommend watching the following to understand why so many people did not enjoy the film:

Sometimes you just need to kick back, relax, and stomp some noobs.

No. Your right to have fun does not override other gamers’ right to a match that meets their skill level. Your enjoyment should not be at the expense of others.

Counterpoint: the song is dull and entirely skippable.

Huh? I don’t understand the confusion over the calculations.

(1+2+3+4+5+6) / 6 = 3.5
3.5 * 216,000 = 756,000

The calculations check out.

Also obligatory (from Into The Spider-Verse):

I do not believe it was ever stated that Jane was heterosexual. She could easily be bisexual or even pansexual. It really wouldn’t be outlandish. Unfortunately, we live in a society that likes to erase or downplay bisexuality :(

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Sorry, but nope. The Last Jedi was objectively a bad Star Wars film. If it were a solo film in its own right, it’d be okay at best, but it does not objectively deserve the love that io9 has for it.

Don’t just take my word for this. Look at actual critical reviews by those who understand film theory:

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Episodes? No, no, no, no, no. I got stung with Half-Life 2 with episodes.

Besides, odds are that at least one whole episode will be dedicated solely to those bleeping mini-games!
