There’s a relevant XKCD comic for this:
There’s a relevant XKCD comic for this:
Let them eat cake... over the course of multiple sessions :P
But seriously, is there perhaps a mod for this to change the default food behaviour? If not, do you know any modding communities who might pick up the challenge?
Here’s hoping that it’ll match up to MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries. Still my favourite MechWarrior game to-date, especially for the music.
I empathise greatly with your thoughts on this.
So many people rate Evangelion as if it’s the best anime ever. In reality, while it has good components, it has many areas that bring it down overall, particularly when it tries to be deliberately enigmatic and obscure.
For anyone who does watch this for the first time,…
You forgot the /s (sarcasm) tag at the end.
That’s good. Maybe I’ll no longer need to use this workaround:
Now I can’t stop thinking of this old chestnut (1 of 5):
It’s also on YouTube (because reasons):
“Alpha was comprised of 295 Magic cards” —> “Alpha comprised 295 Magic cards”
Saying “comprised of” is akin to saying “a bucket contained of water”.
*reads article*
Only one Santa-related sex pun? For shame! You missed so many opportunities. Examples:
• Coming down the chimney.
• Santa’s sack.
• Candy cane.
• White stuff.
• # I saw mummy [bleep]ing Santa Claus...#
Shame that the show ended so abruptly and badly that they basically had to retcon the last two episodes or so and redo them as a film.
Their latest album (Strange Little Birds) was arguably their best since the first. Particularly songs like this:
WHOM it banned.
This. All the this.
Nope. Besides, without Johnny Yong Bosch, it’s just not Bleach to me.
Sidenote: “BREACH!”
For all the complaints I might have about living in the UK, it’s nice to know that this kind of pathetic nonsense would at least be completely illegal here.
It saddens me greatly how genuinely behind the US is in terms of anti-discrimination and workers’ rights. (Obviously, I’m generalising here, as I’m fully aware how…
Has there been any recent news on porting this and the previous Kingdom Heart games to PC? Last I read, it was only stated that it would be possible to port KH3 to PC, not that it would happen or would be likely to.
Still pretty annoyed by the lack of proper bot support in this game and limited modes available for bots.
For those who preach the tired mantra that one should just play with humans, please watch this video first in defence of bots:
Finally got around to playing Layers Of Fear. Highly impressed by the mood, the soundtrack and the unpredictable scares, which didn’t fall into the trap of becoming forumulaic.
I have to know this also now. This game didn’t blip on my real interest radar until that became a possibility.