
Absolutely loved it. Long-time Power Rangers fan here.

Even my wife, who is not a fan, enjoyed the movie.

I disagree with other comments about making it sillier: if anything, it should have embraced the darkness more.This will be especially important for the Green Ranger arc.

I know you meant this to be an article justly complaining about a lack of disability representation, but in a lot of sci-fi, one of two rules applies:

• These issues are non-existent, so there’s no need for disability access.
• Those with disabilities either aren’t considered relevant or have access to technology that


“Alpha was comprised of 295 Magic cards” —> “Alpha comprised 295 Magic cards”

Saying “comprised of” is akin to saying “a bucket contained of water”.

Thank you for a balanced article about this, as this is the first one I can recall of this nature on io9 in recent memory. Every other article has seemingly been trying to cast this as a horrible deal and even at one point casting Comcast as a hero for trying to outbid Disney.

Nope. Just nope.

Not against diversity, just unnecessary reboots. I loved Buffy and Angel and will not give this the time of day unless it’s “Game Of Thrones” level of awesome.

How about, you know, just continuing the Buffyverse from the modern day? I’d watch the heck out of that, even if all the original cast were now

Question: why was the video in the Kickstarter pronouncing it “Tragdor” instead of “Trogdor”? I do not recall that pronunciation being used. Am I missing a joke, mishearing this or being oblivious to something else entirely?

Much in the same way that the Avengers and co. fought valiantly to stop Thanos from collecting all six Infinity Stones, Comcast has been desperately trying to block Disney’s substantial bid to acquire 21st Century Fox and all of that sweet comic book IP the studio’s been sitting on.”

Nope. You’ve made an error

Having just listened to some of his stuff, I’m genuinely excited to hear the music in the new episodes.

On a side note of composers, if anyone here has not played Abzû, you should do, just for the music by Austin Wintory. Failing that, just buy the album. Same goes for That Dragon, Cancer, for which the music was done

There were many reasons to feel like The Last Jedi was a missed opportunity, but Luke being cynical was not one of them. In fact, it seemed rather plausible and I wanted to see more of him in the film.

My biggest gripe, outside of the illogical plot re: the slow chase and casino world, was that they teased heavily the

*reads article*

Only one Santa-related sex pun? For shame! You missed so many opportunities. Examples:
• Coming down the chimney.
• Santa’s sack.
• Candy cane.
• White stuff.
• # I saw mummy [bleep]ing Santa Claus...#

Shame that the show ended so abruptly and badly that they basically had to retcon the last two episodes or so and redo them as a film.

Now playing

Their latest album (Strange Little Birds) was arguably their best since the first. Particularly songs like this:

WHOM it banned.

Is it to fire Rian Johnson?

I really hope that someone involved in the rebooted movies reads these comics and ends up adapting this some years down the line.

As a decades-long fan of Power Rangers, I very much approved of the darker tone of the reboot, which was almost as good in tone as the deboot fan short a few years back. I’ve always felt

If you own a copy of the movies, you should check out the fan edits called Star Wars Despecialized. 720P but as close to George’s Original Unaltered Trilogy (GOUT) as possible.

Arguably not true. Have you come across bad sectors on an HDD or SSD? Bits of data can become corrupted at the sector or cluster level, making part of the file distorted or unreadable. Take a partly-corrupted video file, for instance. It might still play, but the error will cause a skip or an issue while decoding. The

This. All the this.