
“He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!)“

Not to detract from your general point, but this is a really bad understanding of the nature of presidencies. In 1992 Bill Clinton directly campaigned on totally ending the ban on gays in the military, along with a universal health care plan. When universal

>the internet’s slightly-smarter-than-average suburban teens

Good fucking lord, dude. Mac isn’t exactly the second coming of Christ.

Then why don’t you marry her

Oh for god’s sake, go ahead and support Bernie or whomever you want to, that’s your right, but lay off the Hillary is a racist who only supports white women mantra or only white women support Hillary nonsense. I’m not white and I’m supporting Hillary because I think she can win and I’m not buying the Bernie

Now playing

This one as well (Trust me it’s serious, despite the silly thumbnail.)

Bernie Sanders Makes Another Sweeping Proclamation With No Plan

I don’t understand how BS has fooled so many people after we’ve seen the 7 years of President Obama’s battle with congress. It is literal foolishness and folly to believe that we will get single-payer healthcare within the next two years AT LEAST, especially with an anti-Wall Street candidate in a climate that fosters

That video I think the woman can just leave? Like why are you slowly orbiting the spectacle of men in acrobatic glory? Just go.

In the video they mention it’s valued at over $480K.

I need to see frescos of it or it didn’t happen.

Maybe you should have come to the defense of the likes of Norman Rogers, Roger Goodman, Milo Dochow, Wil Curiel, John Ryan, Lisa Osterman, Denise Hay, Ed Angleton, Toho Soma, Dmitry Spivak, Thomas Hurley III, and Greg Buzzard when they got ruled incorrect in Final JEOPARDY!. Did you? Did you?

The ghost of an esports gamer who was driven to his own death by trolls is killing Dota 2 players, one by one. Careful, you might be next!!!!

That really sucks, but I have to take issue with your closing line -Delita wouldn’t feel a scrap of shame.

The thing about being ‘colorblind’ is that it mean that you’re completely oblivious about why things are clashing.

Oh, she’s just using the Fox news version of balanced, which means jesus and bald eagles.

“Irving ISD spokesperson Lesley Weaver, pictured above, told the reporters at the press conference that the information on the incident “made public to this point has been very unbalanced.””

Just a human.....hmmm ..ok