They should be free to anyone who can sing all of Big Rock Candy Mountain.
They should be free to anyone who can sing all of Big Rock Candy Mountain.
Like she looks like any other grandmother who tries to do the Nae Nae except for like that 2% of grandmothers who are horribly into being the chill grandmother.
While I was aware of this Katy Perry video, I’d never actually seen it. Did she actually pantomime jerking off two dongs while jizzing whipped cream everywhere? What context was this in? What’s going on here?
She...seems to not be living a Victorian lifestyle so much as a Victorian romance novel written in the late 1990’s lifestyle. One of the classy ones with the flowers on the cover rather than partiality unclothed, embracing people, but a sort of fantasy simulacrum none the less.
I don’t really get the hate. Are we mocking the way this woman dresses? Or just that she has a hobby you dislike? Sure, the “believe in yourself” mantra is a little privileged and silly, but that describes every yoga instructor or and half the artists I’ve ever met.
I’ve seen my father cry twice in my life- once at my grandfather’s funeral and when they dropped me off at college. He mumbled something and walked away and then later sent me a letter saying it was too hard for him to say goodbye.
If you remove his wealthy origins, that it would make it very difficult to justify him possessing all those abilities and skills. He’d probably would need to have an army special forces background. And for him to achieve the same level of almost 24/7 dedication to the neverending battle, this Batman would need to take…
Why Your Team Sucks 2015: Apple
Fuckin rad!! Everyone always thinks my name is from the anime Hellsing, but nope, Symphony of the Night is the best Castlevania and one of the best games of all time. So we are friends now! Thank you for the kind words and cheering me up, much respect!
I got dumped after 4 years of living with my girlfriend, that was 9 months ago. I’m still not over it, I’m depressed as fuck, I stay in, I lost my best friend. I don’t feel like I have much of a purpose. I feel like this app is more for new, shorter relationships that aren’t as binding/life changing as long term…
The Aristocrats!
But... bagels :(
I lost 40lbs and have kept it off for a year and a half now. I tried weight watchers, didn’t work. I tried just calorie counting, nope. Then I went to a nutritionist and bingo. The key is you don’t diet, you change your diet. She helped me meal plan, make grocery lists and learn what to look for in food products so I…
Recovering addict here, and this is a great description. I’ve always had a mental image of it as an endless grey tunnel of ice, sloping gently but inexorably downward, no exits on either side.
tomorrow i’ll have 16 months off heroin (and all other mind altering substances) it IS possible. but it’s hard. (i did it with AA)