
I’d like to hear from people who work in fields that are difficult to get into, and hear how they broke in. For example, if you need a special clearance/sponsorship/mentor to get a job in a certain field, but can only get that clearance/sponsorship/mentor if a company backs you, how do you break that Catch-22?

I would love to see artisans (not necessarily artists, per se). Woodworkers, weavers — those that make things with their hands. Those that work outdoors, in dirty jobs, etc. People that work with things of astronomical scale — either very very big, or very very tiny.

This girl sounds amazing and I'm thrilled LH featured her. I wish she posted a Twitter or something because I'd be interested in seeing what she's up to once she graduates- probably benevolently taking over the world.

Nice to see a Linux user featured!

When Bill Bellichick heard the news of this report earlier tonight, he promptly fired the team's equipment manager for failing to do his fucking job right by not under-inflating that 12th goddamned football.

I wish he'd stashed his fap-kit before taking the picture.

As a hiring manager, "will complement and work well with the team" is pretty high on the list. It doesn't matter how effective you are at accomplishing tasks. If you're going to sour the atmosphere for everyone else, I'm going to try my best to weed you out before I let you interject drama into the workplace by being

I disagree, personally. I'm nice to my coworkers and they are nice to me and we work well together because of it.


Vote: MATE

Something a LOT of us RARELY see anymore — all because of light pollution.

I was in a definite rut about five years ago. I remember telling a friend of mine that I felt like my ship had sailed, I had lost the opportunity to live my dreams and things were never going to change. One day I was just fed up, I decided if I could change one thing each day it would get a little bit better until I

I was in a deep rut a couple of months ago. A couple of TED Talks by Brene Brown about vulnerability convinced me to be stubborn about being open about my experiences. That got my gears going much faster than I ever thought it would. It also probably saved me a lot of therapy!

There are a lot of details but for the sake of brevity; I was kicked out of the air force for drug abuse in 2002 after serving for a little more than 4 years. After that I began a downward spiral that closely resembled waste spiraling down the tubes. A few years later I found my self homeless and not where I

*exhibits bleeding shin* "Would you PLEASE shut the damned drawer when you've got what you need out of it!? And NO you don't get to leave it open until you put the whatever back!!"

We get into arguments over dishes-doing. He doesn't do dishes when I'm not around, which ticks me off because I do dishes whenever dishes need to get done. Then he gets upset when I do the dishes and don't let him do the dishes. I see it as he's trying to get the points for doing dishes, but is inadvertently wasting