Ye gods, look at that thing!
Ye gods, look at that thing!
Perhaps I didn’t make this clear enough, but I wish the public schools I attended (down in Tidewater) had taught me more about these issues. As @darrendelamancha notes, the monuments and museums did NOT impart what I think they should have, and I staunchly believe that was by design... just like the schools’ history…
You know what? Fuck all these people.
I’m struggling to see how that could work logistically. My (admittedly vague) memory of that stadium is it’s up against the Berkeley Hills with few large thoroughfares nearby, and a dearth of parking. And the nearest BART station is, what, a mile away, and across the Cal campus? So you’re gonna have 50,000+ Raider…
Would you like to play a game?
Fellow Virginian here, born in 1973 so I think some of our experiences are similar, and this piece is beautiful and painful and so true.
“Most bears are right-handed.”
Mind you don’t hurt yourself, patting yourself on the back so hard.
Especially his character in “Love, Actually” who relentlessly seeks revenge for his wife’s murder*.
* I don’t remember “Love, Actually” very well
Hold up, it’s not pronounced duh-LOOTH?
Good grief, enough with the Kroenke stanning already!
Absolutely tremendous username/comment combo here.
You say “oddly compelling,” I say “profoundly troubling”!
I initially misread your first sentence as “your marital interests often conflict with your ideals,” which, while sadly telling about where I am in my life as a recent divorcé, is pretty goddamn funny.
Nice footwork, guys, way to avoid a contretemps.
That swooping mane, though, is utterly Landonesque!
I wasn’t pretending!!!
I’ll bet you didn’t know The Bigfoot is a proud alumnus of The Ohio State University.
I’m sorry, sir, but did you have a question?
...which itself is a rehash of Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs’ “Wooly Bully.”