
Yea, that eyepatch is a fucking choice; he’s the sort of guy that always asks for the service members’ discount.

You mean like Rep Dan “I look like a normal human when I’m wearing my glass eye” Crenshaw?

IIRC Cawthorn doesn’t always need a wheelchair so he doesn’t necessarily need an adapted vehicle. He stood last year when he married the Russian honeypot that’s divorcing him.

Wasn’t his style in his college:

And, I’d speculate, slurred.

A lot of it is Russian trolls (since you use FB to login); you can always tell because they hit any topic tangential to Russia geopolitically (i.e. undermining Biden and definitely Harris, anything related to inflation or economics, Trump, etc.) with a ton of comments but ignore other big culture war topics (i.e.

I live in NC, I’ve had a similar charge, and the answer is, unsatisfactorily, as many such questions of the law are, “It depends.”

White lawmaker in a big ol’ good ol’ boy truck, likely resplendent with blue line stickers and the like? Not arrested.

Don’t forget heated seats and steering wheel. Depending on where you live that can matter a fair amount.

Literally all I wanted from it was a better (more adjustable) driver’s seat. I liked literally everything else about the Si, including the fact that it was a cloth seat. A 30k manual trans Integra with power seats is where I would want to be.

The comments section on that site...Thanos was right.

Not that I have a huge problem with speeding per se (as long as appropriate to the conditions), but you would think being put in a wheelchair by a previous crash would tend to cool one’s jets a bit?

My last speeding ticket was a15 years ago for 46 in a 45 and the Fine for 46 in a 45 was $395.

Don’t you get arrested for driving while revoked?

And you just know the words “Do you know who I am?” came dribbling out of his mouth.

Sitler is all for law and order for other people and not for himself. 

The ruling was narrow, with Chief Judge Richard Myers concluding that a Civil War amnesty law passed by Congress in 1872 essentially repealed the 14th Amendment’s “disqualification clause,””

What the fuck, that’s not how constitutional law works....

Myers, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, handed down the

I like it, but I’m not a fan of hiding the manual behind a paywall.

YMMV of course.

Feel free to send a link - I can’t see anything under $1200 a week.

Sounds like something a giant spider planning to drop down from the sky this summer would say.