The Notorious G.O.B.

“And while a variety of factors—shifts in how we cover Netflix launches, the erosion of the show’s cultural footprint—mean that the comments aren’t the same as they used to be”

He never was a sexual predator to begin with, though.

Not a parent, huh?

This shot:

Cersei’s whole “oh so this is a thing then? Right, I’m just gonna...” tiptoe past Cleganebowl was one of the only highlights for me.

Yes, everything you mention here was pretty ridiculous. I’ll add that there was no reason at all she wouldn’t have just killed Tyrion. Like, none. 

He’s still the best of two insane ends of the spectrum here, and with the right people, shit would still clearly go much better with him then anyone else. Well...except Sansa, cause shit honestly at this point, she’s like, the only person I give a fuck about, like really.

Classic D&D, having Sansa tell the Hound that if she hadn’t been raped for months she wouldn’t ever have been able to be a skilled politician.


“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”

I was like ARYA NO

How I would feel about people dying next episode:

Sad, but resigned: Beric, Jorah, Jaime, Theon, Bran

Honestly pretty surprised: Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Sansa, Arya, Sam, Gendry, Varys, the Hound,

Not suprised, but devastated: Brienne, Tormund, Pod, Greyworm, Missandei, Gilly, Davos

This is the best possible version of an article like this. Non-spoilery headline, many warnings, tagged correctly. Of what should they be ashamed?

I realized last night that she and Sansa sort of have opposite arcs. I started off being annoyed (but understanding) Sansa’s bad choices, but she’s learned from them and grown whereas Dany, also in a pitiable position in her youth, has become increasingly unlikeable. They both are making mistakes (all characters are),

Jaime decides: a Knight can make a Knight

I’ve always seen her as ultimately a villain and there’s only four more episodes left for the show to prove it. She’s got a little bit of the Mad King vibe to her

I think the show is purposefully making us question whether we were right to be supportive of her pursuit of the throne. Everyone in the North is skeptical of her in a way that we haven’t been conditioned to be skeptical, up to now. Sam is reminding us of how she treats those who don’t bend the knee, just as Sansa is

Am I the only one that’s weirded out by how much she smiles this season? It’s like Emilia Clark forgot how ruthless and broken her character is.

Was it ever. And Gwendoline Christie played it beautifully. And Tormund’s enthusiastic applause was delightful!