The Notorious G.O.B.

One of the top 5 moments of the show for me.

Never been a big fan of Dany, though I’ve rooted for her at times (mainly in the first season when it was her vs Viserys). Lately though I really, really dislike her. She’s just an entitled spoiled power-hungry brat, much like Joffrey but in a way even worse because at least with him no one was under the illusion that

Man I miss Jay Pharaoh, his impressions were always on point.

The Rock was awesome, but I don’t classify him as “professional athlete” anymore - he’s moved fully into “actor” territory imo 

(professional athletes excepted, please, forever)

I find it annoying how much this show idolizes Jamie - it’s an issue in the books as well. I get that he’s the “good guy” and one of the main characters, but the way they portray him as practically saint-like is really grating.

Ian’s story gets a lot more interesting very soon, which I have mixed feelings about. It’s an intriguing storyline in the books, but I find the actor who plays Ian to be insufferably bad so I’m not super psyched about the show spending more screen time on his character.

That ending was ridiculous and made no sense. I get that she doesn’t want to leave Hannah but how the hell is Nichole supposed to eat? It’s not like you can just go to any corner store in Gilead and buy baby formula. And where is June going to go? Obviously she can’t go back to the Waterford’s. I just absolutely do

Yes, Ron and Leslie all the way. Anything romantic between Ruth and Sam would be a huge mistake.

Annette Austero needs her own spinoff, I’d watch the hell out of that show

Yeah, I thought he was reading his own status too, and it actually said terminal corruption within 0.72 hours so he was in pretty dire straits.

This episode was awful. The last few episodes have made me really start to dislike Todd - I’ve been very disappointed with the decision to basically change his whole personality just for the sake of creating drama.

I’d never heard of Chappaquiddick until I read this article. I mean, I’d heard of the place but not this incident. I was born in the 80s.

Modern twittery displays of wokness:

Yes, she does say that (Early-ish in her account):

My dad took me to see Casino in the theatre when I was 14 - I don’t think either of us were prepared for how fully they would embrace that “R” rating. The scene where Sharon Stone gives Joe Pesci head was especially uncomfortable, I think I just mentally shut down at that point.

Douchebag is still kind of sexist (and definitely not gender-neutral), but something like “taint” would be acceptable.

B- is being generous, this episode was mostly terrible. I thought the pizza/lasagna sketch was one of the worst I’ve ever seen, and whatever the hell Heidi Gardner was doing with her voice in that last one was so bad I turned it off (for the record I think she’s very talented but that sketch just did not work for me).

There have actually been quite a few hosts who were also the musical guest, I remembered Timberlake and Beiber but a quick google search shows at least 9 others as of 2013:

I loved it, and “toit nups” didn’t get old for me. A bit hammy, sure, but this episode was an easy B+ for me.