
if we ignored this and went about our lives (well some of us would), you could take a look at 50 people you know. one of them will die, it’s probably a parent/grandparent, but may just be a friend with asthma, or cancer. someone you know will die from corona virus if we stand by and watch it happen.

Crosstreks everywhere are rejoicing

Corporations around the world right now are in a balancing act. On the one hand, they have a responsibility to their workers, customers, and society at large to avoid personal contact wherever possible. On the other hand, they need to remain financially viable if they are to avoid mass layoffs and corporate bankruptcy.

You know Bernie was a congressman from 1991-2007, and a senator from 2007-present. Isn’t he just a liable as Biden using your misguided reasoning? Also, I’m so tired of the media, especially this site, using pictures like this:

Fuck off with this bullshit.

BOOOOOO... pre Bangle 5-series was the best looking sedan ever designed.

2005/6 LGT was the high water mark for Subie design. Simple, sporty, aggressive, but yet subtle. Truly the grown-up WRX we didn’t deserve. Too bad they rusted out and had turbo/timing/head gasket issues by 100k.

Imagine being so poor you have to know what time it is lmao

Jalop commit the deadly sin of visiting a dealership to have work done on his car, writes a thousand words justification letter asking for Redemption

Peter Piper picked a previously-owned Porsche Panamera.

As long as someone isn’t trying to pull into the spot on the other side it is totally fine.

Neutral: Wanted a wagon. The wagons I wanted either didn’t have the features I wanted (CPO Volvos), were too small (Golf Sportwagen, 3-Series) or too expensive (C and E-Classes).

Something about the proportions of the 456 always seemed off to me. I much prefer the 550 and 575, though you won’t find those as cheap as a 456.

Now playing

Ok if we’re talking 90s Canadian rock/pop we HAVE to have a mention of Sloan here. A band that’s criminally under rated and under known here in the US:

Which data?

Pictured: a new Mercedes and its depreciation curve

I love these cars. I am a buyer all day ... at $5000.

Everyone was excited about Tesla because it was supposed to be a good start with a downward price trend. Battery technology and manufacturing scale were supposed to make the Model 3 a car for the masses. Instead, all other manufacturers are trying go more upscale and wondering why no one is biting. We all want the

Well, it did come off of a long tube filled with seamen.

Tom Clancy Fun Fact: the Ethan Allen was featured prominently in the book version of The Hunt for Red October as the decommissioned submarine the US scuttled in place of Red October when Captain Ramius faked the self-destruct of his boat. The US Navy loaded a couple of fuel-air bombs aboard, took the skeleton crew off