
What annoys me the most about this type of repairs is when they are all that is left of the road. My commute has me go over a quarter of a mile of road that is just stop-gap fixes. Its worse than the potholes, I can feel my teeth shaking out of my jaw.

I wish I could say that but I’m not cool enough to be a hipster either..... :(

Kids in the 14 to 25 year old bracket listen to the most popular music, but folks in their late twenties discover less and less new music as time goes on.

How about a huge paintball arena?(Or lasertag for those faint of heart/don’t want to get paint on their nice clothes)

Oh look its the apple button! And now all I can see is an iPhone....

I think my favorite part of what he says is at the beginning video when he says:

Thanks for the interesting article! I knew why it turned yellow, but I didn't know a lot of the history and it was quite interesting.

Am I the only one that gets cash while at the register after grocery shopping? I haven't had to use an ATM in awhile, and I normally know when I will need cash in the future...

Looks cool, its like an automatic version of Adobe Bridge's "Collections"

That's pretty cool! Thanks for sharing!

lots and lots of cgi!

Though, I dont think there are many 360 degree cameras that are shooting blockbuster quality video...... Those 360 degree videos would be MASSIVE! And the processing power to stitch them all together.... and then the months of going frame by frame to ensure that all the stitching is correct

When he took the ball out of the Gak, it looks liked velveeta.... which made me want velveeta even more.... odd...

awww thats cute! It has a nice disclaimer to alert you to trickery!

Is it bad that I automatically assumed it was PETA?

sometimes I go to a website and it's in flash.. and then my screen goes red and I hear Satan laughing...

Where I work we have a lot of custom printers, presses, cutters, sorters and what not machines. Lots of fun to watch em work, even though I pry look like a dumb ass.

We basically just poured a bunch of gross stuff—beer, soy sauce, red wine, and sriracha sauce—

Remember when the Evolution of Dance first appeared on Youtube. Still had dial-up and took me over 10 hours for it to fully render on Youtube.... worth every hour!(Kept it up on the computer a day more until my mum found out she had missed some calls from work due to dial-up and its inability to multitask)

HE'S OVER 9000!

Cheap headphones....