
Pretty sure that person is a troll - there seems to be an uptick of faux ragey extreme feminist ones here recently espousing ridiculous ideas.

In a vacuum you might be right, but in context (Fox, the president, etc) this is a dog whistle aimed at conservative, low-information consumers. It tells them that anything that makes them uncomfortable isn’t true, their fears are reasonable, and the local station is safe to trust. It’s really fucking sinister, imo.

Here’s a thread for you

Every group of dudes I passed walking to work today in Philly was talking about ACLs like fucking expert physicians

i’ll reiterate the problem here, which other people have said, but maybe needs to be said again.

There’s a handy rule for men who have difficulty understanding what is appropriate at the workplace. You can’t say it to a female colleague if you wouldn’t want it said to you in prison.

It sounds like red point would be the more accurate term to use here, but I appreciate that that is getting even farther into climbing jargon.

I had my abortion at 6 weeks. I took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks before when I thought my period was late and it came back negative. The only reason I took another test was because I know my body and I knew something was off. Plus, I’m a hypochondriac. So technically, at the time of my abortion, my period was only

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

Blade Runner was a garbage movie with good aesthetics. Yes, I said it. In fact, with the exception of Total Recall, Phillip K Dick adaptations suffer the same garbage movie curse as Vonnegut adaptations. This includes the one on this list with Tom Cruise.

Green Chile (the correct spelling) is a New Mexican thing that Colorado has appropriated. Colorado - it’s not yours.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Moonlight: Best Picture,” spat Horowitz.

Matthew Macfayden Darcy or GTFO.

Please. I am a person of color and you can come right off it. Don’t make this a “white women don’t get it” thing because the previous article, in which Margaret’s original comments exist without Tilda’s emails, feature plenty of comments about her being in the wrong. It’s only when more information came to light that

And don’t forget that Mango Mussolini is now Time’s person of the year.

Oh Fuck yes. Honestly my next request is Caity’s TGI Friday’s adventure into a show.

I was so happy Tatiana Maslany won. Sci-fi stuff never gets anything and even though it was deserved I assumed it be overlooked. Well deserved and also for Rami Malek, I thought he was going to win though while I was happy I wasn’t as pleasantly surprised.


It's not that she should be able to fend for herself against two large goons, it's that the show gets lazy and takes the short cut of imperiling her to create tension and set up another character to be a hero. Yet no one asks why should Foggy be able to fend against two large professional goons. The thing about these