
Aren’t we all saving ourselves for JG?

2015 Devon Sawa, can I keep you?

Happy Halloween!!

1. 28 year old me should not think that young Sawa is hot but I do. Sorry world.

Maybe reconsider your professional choices when number 1 on your to-do list is stalking an infant.

The headline could’ve read “HALLE BERRY LOOKING BUSTED AS HELL, CAUGHT WITH TEAR TRACKS AND BLASTING ADELE,” and she’d still look better than 97% of the population.

Iggy will probably feel a lot better after she takes a dumpling.

What is LaCroix and more importantly, what the hell is pamplemousse?

Tonight’s Republican debate will be more horrifying than any of these movies.

I'm also calling bullshit. For as long as I've been aware I've had genitals, my minora has tried to steal the spotlight from the majora. THERE ARE NO BIT PARTS WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR BITS

spandex burger

Long labia haver here. I have never not once felt uncomfortable with my crotchal area in yoga pants. Literally everyone in my yoga class is packing a spandex burger. Doesn't matter.

I’m in the second trimester and I held out hope that the awfulness would pass and I’d get that magic sex drive I was promised. SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED FOR ALL OF THESE LIES I BELIEVED.

If there's a God, please make this happen.

ahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahaha oh my goddddddddd he for real thought this would help this is amazing

It’s Rachel Dolezal right?

And after they graduate, they go on to control business and politics in Alabama. Everything wrong in the state get its start in Tuscaloosa.