Slay Belle

We went to the same college, and while I was a couple of years behind him, the scuttlebutt on campus was that he was a massive tool.

Like a lot of other people in this thread, Steely Dan is intrinsically connected to my dad. He's a huge Steely Dan fan. When my parents got married and he moved in, I remember lying around the living room while he played Aja on vinyl. When I had to do my middle-school report on 'songs about drugs', my dad taped a copy

I only got my (former) employer to move from a singular aol email address for our entire office to individual corporate emails two years ago. And they still don't have a website.

I love the clothes on the show, but I also really like that the characters acknowledge in the episodes that they're upper middle class and buy expensive outfits and accessories. I get rather irrationally annoyed at shows that pretend their characters are clothed in stuff us pleebs could get at Target when they're

This sounds ah-mazing, and I look forward to this show joining my regular Discovery ID rotation.

I live in a country where kidnapping is a real and active threat. The gangs here have just started calling families and demanding money for kids they've 'kidnapped' — which they haven't, they're just playing the odds that the families will freak out and hand over cash before they figure out their family members are

The fourth is "The Breathing Method". That's actually my favorite out of the 4 stories in that collection, though I seem to be in the minority opinion on that.

This isn't exactly obscure information — pretty much any article ever about Melanie Griffith mentions who her mom is. You should definitely yell at your mother.

Yes, they do. Hijabs often coordinate and compliment the rest of the woman's outfit. Today, for example, I noticed a woman in a neon green scarf, my assistant was wearing a geometric pattern in pink and brown, and my intern was wearing purple (I live in South Asia).

We moved to Pakistan a couple of years ago for a job. While it is significantly cheaper to live here, it's still more expensive for us as ex-pats (and quite noticeably, obviously, not locals). It's always worth factoring into the cost what additional expenses you'll need to be paying — do you need security? Can you

The I09'ers (or whoever) aren't writing the stories or even creating the actual monster — Sara is doing that. They submit a request — "I'd like a monster made of strings and ceiling wax and other fancy stuff!" — and she creates something based on that request. She's not toddling off with your short story idea or

I live near one of the major hospitals in my city and shop regularly at the closest pharmacy to it, and I've seen a number of women who have been victims of acid attacks (presumably because they're getting treated/doctor visits at the hospital), and it can be pretty horrific. I can't imagine just not prosecuting

Well, we don't have strip clubs or bars here, so that's not a concern. But if you're local, you grew up with this so you expect it. It's a little disconcerting for the foreigners.

I live in Pakistan.

Bathroom attendants are everywhere in the country I live in (not just in fancy places) and they legit take the toilet paper out of the stalls and hold it so that you can't not interact with them (and then tip them). It's a little awkward.

'Glorious hags' should definitely be the 'lesbian shitasses' replacement phrase.

My mom had the cabbage soup diet plan photocopied and hung on the inside of our plate cupboard during my childhood. She had heard about it when she was in the audience at a taping of a local morning talk show, where a whole segment was devoted to the diet. Somehow this made the cabbage diet seem super glamorous and I

I wish you all the luck if that's what you want to do. I left the field a while ago for a number of reasons, mostly having to do with a strong desire to pay my bills and the lack of advancement possibilities because no one was retiring. Some of my friends have been able to get jobs and stay in the field, but its' reall

Not if you want to find a job!

We had a patron who had a bit of a drinking problem and who, once she had had a few, would hound the reference desk with questions that ranged from the banal to the far out. She'd ask us to write papers for her high school aged children, and when that wouldn't work, would try to get us to do it by asking a series of