Slay Belle

Dude. That comment is 4 years old. (I took film theory classes at both Hampshire and Smith.)

That's some fantastic looking soup.

The movies have been getting better and better, which is a rarity in sequels. I liked the fact that so little time was given to Gale/Katniss as a romantic couple, and I liked the fact that there was a conversation about how Katniss could love Peeta, but that didn't mean it was in a romantic way.

I get inexplicably choked up every time they use the salute - which only comes once in Mockingjay, and I bawled into my napkin. I got verklempt over the assault on the damn as well.

As a Mans, you should offer to operate the fund, as our feeble lady brains are clearly incapable. The gifting of money for charitable reasons needs to be dictated by someone with an iron fist and a private investigator's license, not some broads who can be swayed by 'sympathy' or 'empathy'.

If you go to GT, our post about Raffey was trending in the side bar the last I checked. If you have specific questions, I'll be happy to answer them when I'm not on my tablet.

Oh, no. I have a private list of people i think are at best, exagerating fabulists, and at worst, totally not who they claim to be.


That just shows how painfully low this particular bar was. Even the feminazis weren't fooled.

I learned to take that approach any time I donate money. Once it's out of my hands, it's gone, so I need to be ok with that.

And the post was removed! Oh, man, he should have made up a story that stood up to more than a couple of seconds of scrutiny.

I did get it the second time!

Pretty much, yeah.

On Pinterest. The Reddit for Ladies.

I'm sorry, were you talking to me? I was looking at pictures of shoes on Pinterest. You know. Where ladies go. For their lady interests.


This I don't believe. Most people can not sustain a fake persona long enough to past muster, let alone three different people whose stories he keeps straight.

Did you miss out Ginseng dealer? GT can serve all your needs.

But if there's no winning, how can we be losers? Please help me understand. Use illustrations in pretty colors. I am a lady after all, and a feminist, so I need things spelled out really slowly.

I don't believe there was a limit. I believe the largest amount given out was $350, but I could be wrong. Still, we're not talking excessive amounts of money. Its a crisis fund driven by small donations, not the charity arm of a major multinational.