Slay Belle

So a pretty common troll retort around these parts is 'why don't you do something to help people out in real life instead of just complaining on the internet?' I've seen some variation of this cry tons of times over the years. I literally just got a response along this line last week.

You disgust me.

How could he possibly have time to be a travel agent, what with running his check cashing scam and pretending to be three hysterical women on the internet? That's a full day!

"The Screwfly Solution" by James Tiptree, Jr. Literally chilling — there's a middle section involving violence done to female scientist, all off screen, that made me sick to my stomach.

You can read the whole thing online here:…

I'm a native, so I've been to the Mutter a lot. But the first time I went, a group of high school friends and I cut school and went in the middle of the day. I respectfully understand why getting drunk and hanging out with the Soap Lady would be a little freaky, but being literally the only person there, surrounded by

Stacia Kane, if I recall correctly, has a heroine who is struggling with substance abuse issues.


"The Langoliers" was a fucking atrocity.

"Dolan's Cadillac" is a fantastic one — I haven't watched the movie version, for the same reasons.

I think King's short stories tend to be better than his novels, and The Mist is one of his best. I'm always surprised when I run into people who are fans who haven't read it — definitely one his strongest works.

Watching the end of The Mist is just like being punched repeatedly in the stomach. It's one of the bleakest things I've ever seen committed to film. I thought it was a brilliant change.

All King's horror turned to a movie have sucked.

When your Slayer is having to make ends meet at the fucking Doublemeat Palace, maybe you should reevaluate how you organize her support.

I dearly hope the scripts live up to the fucking phenomenal cast they've got. Last year was a waste. A WASTE, I SAY.

There's was already a Sandra Day O'Clobber, she was one of my team mates. :(

It's a gif made from porn videos depicting 'rape'. So, porn vids showing violence and assault.

My kid counts among your numbers too.

Some of the feedback we get on articles like Zelda Williams' bullying expresses frustration that we keep posting about these trolls—that we're giving them "attention" and that we should rather just "ignore" them.

"I agree, Gawker should hire moderators or have regular commenters volunteer to do it but the last time they did this they put the responsibility on the writers and it failed."