Slay Belle

They're on Netflix instant, the last I heard.

Well said.

Color blindness is a nice idea that can't be achieved by ignoring the fact that we're no where near equity in racial representation in any of our social arenas. The person you responded to isn't saying 'my kids can't dress up like Captain America', she's saying 'it would sure be nice if there were some superheros of

Do you think there's a shortage of white superheros for minority children to emulate? You don't see any social or cultural significance for minority children or girls to have a figure that's held up in a place of honor? If so, maybe you should take a step back and seriously listen to the joy that many parents

I admit I responded because there were two people who liked that comment, which honestly really chapped my ass.

And they don't see anything wrong because they're backed up a vocal and misguided fan base that raises holy hell as soon as the stories attempt to deviate from an ingrained narrative. Just look back to the total meltdown that happened on this very site when io9 dared suggest Spider-Man didn't have to be white. Or that

Wouldn't the vial have been sucked back into the Phantom Zone with the ship, on which the doctor was located?

Making Diana a diluted Superman is terrible. There's just so much wrong with that approach, especially since they have enough trouble trying to craft a decent Wonder Woman story on its own. She's a power in her own right, on similar footing with Batman and Superman for any number of reasons. Your approach immediately

Only if you ignore the historical and pop culture context in which such a comment is uttered. Like in this for instance, the domination of the superhero genre by white, male action stars where women and minorities have historically been marginalized to side kicks, stand-byers or worse. And, of course, this country's

Didn't they run an article just a week ago along the lines of 'I was raped while unconscious during surgery' except that the writer of the article states she has no idea if she was sexually assaulted during her surgery, no one else is claiming she was, and that she got this idea based on a statistic she read

Shiloh looks more and more like a miniature Brad Pitt every day, and I mean that as a compliment.

Try Iron Fist.

It just means they're ignorant. It doesn't automatically mean they're racist. I mean, come on. If they're not aware that tattooing and body modification has a long history that stretches significantly before the 'last couple of years', it means they're ignorant to the history of both white and non-white cultures which

Yes, they do. I have personally deleted many of those comments from Lindy's posts.

Jane Bodehouse is the character's name.

It depends on the mythology. In some veins, vampire are dead, in others they aren't, in others they're demons, and so on and so forth. In Anne Rice's mythology, you are preserved at a perfect version of yourself at the moment of your death. So if you were still trying to lose ten pounds, well, now you never will, but

Elektra: Assassin was one of the first graphic novels I ever read and I can not tell you how pissed off I was about that shitshow of a movie.

If Brad Pitt got a cheesesteak at KoP, he hardly had the perfect sandwich.


This comment was much funnier than the notification preview made it seem like it was going to be. A star for you!

You're forgetting the 'evolutionary' part of the evolutionary psychologist. That's basically shorthand for 'asshole'.