Slay Belle

My high school moved from the highest GPA = valedictorian to an essay based competition in between when I graduated and my youngest sister did. So she ended up being the valedictorian of her class (yay for her!) which my mom loves to brag about, but she also likes to imply that its because sis was topped ranked.

If you want to defend dating a 12 year old child, come up with a better argument.

JFC. I hope there was no long term consequences and that asshole is solidly in your review mirror.

You punched him right in his face, right?

Ayn Rand fans. Subgroup: people who have 'Who is John Galt' tattoos.

Man, sorry Kyosuke. Way harsh for Katie to list you a person she wished she hadn't slept with.

Wait. Hold the phone. I just wrote checks for my kid to take the AP test, and you're telling me there's districts that pay for this?

Oh, of course it would have gone away faster if he hadn't tweeted that. The girlfriend's comment just sounds so close to what some of my sister's twenty something friends would say 'Oh, its totally ok that he tweated her name, cause its not like she's a real rape victim anyway, hahaa, lol'. You know, typical kneejerk

I didn't take the girlfriend's statement to be referring to Canseco's actions, but that the accusation was a publicity stunt — and there for its totally not a big deal to be publishing all of the accuser's personal info.

Lavender menace!

In that case, a take a bucketfull of Benedryl and godspeed to you.

Don't ride in the pet cars then?



Fair enough. But to be fair, stars of his stature, male or female, don't usually have to do anything they're uncomfortable with anyway.

I think your comment here is a little bit different than'he needs to get a new job'. I don't personally see the comment as ungrateful since I place it within a long history of aging/successful actors making different career choices once they have the power to do so. Example: I've seen Jolie's boobs on several

I definitely read that statement as 'we were smoking a lot of weed and not really doing anything, and I realized I wanted more out of my life'. I mean, once he moved on from Jen, he had a gaggle of kids and became really active in charity, both of which, rather notably, Jen has not. (Which is not a slam against her, I

15! My copy is seriously pushing 20. I saw the line about the pearl and thought to myself 'Oh, I totally know what she's talking about'.

(He's declaring a moratorium)... of explicit sex scenes. So what? There's lots of actors out there who don't do them, just like there are actors who don't do nudity. Jessica Alba is a good example — she played a stripper in Sin City, but chose not to be nude for her personal moral beliefs. MmeX rightly points out that

Uh, no. He's just choosing parts that don't include those scenes. He's not obligated to film sex scenes — he's not a porn star. Actors make these kinds of decisions every day.