Slay Belle

I'm gonna declare Carrie the official gif of the Stuebenville case.

I once said something wrong on an io9 article and received 42 responses all saying the same thing, more or less. Some well after the fact. You'd think one of the advantages of Kinja would be the ability to see '41 responses' already.


This gif is getting quite the work out this week.

I have often wondered why we haven't invented a period vacuum myself.

Not mine, but I'm not sure about the other papers on my panel. Some of them were really interesting — one of the presenters suggested that Bella's choice of a vampire as her boyfriend was her attempt to avoid physical intimacy/sex, since he is dead and they can't, you know, have the sex. It was a cool reading, but she

Depends on your male relative.

My MPE firm is literally the only one I know of where our work workforce is predominantly female. Our engineers are often the only women on job sites.

True fax.

Basically, its just asking for it.

The internet! (Honestly, I have no idea. I did a search for 'rage gif' one day and found this.)

Everything about this case makes me feel like this.

Jezebel does not use trigger warnings, as has been discussed several times in the past. The 'rape rape' tag is a direct reference to the discussions that came up during the presidential election.

Ah, the old 'women's inherent nobility' chestnut. Did this guy fly in from the Victorian era?

I can't tell you how bummed out I remain at PJ Harvey saying she's not a feminist.

"main character being an extreme doormat, and how her two love interests basically make decisions for her,"

She expresses very little in the way of her own desires. She wants to become a vampire because Edward is. She learns to ride a motorcycle because she wants to be closer to Edward. She doesn't want to get married, but gives in to it. She doesn't want to be a mother but finds herself pregnant and in communication with

I gave a paper on feminism and Twilight a couple of years ago at MLA. There's some interesting things to deconstruct in the text — there were so many submissions for the panel I was on it was split into three separate time slots.

Replying to bump this up.

He sent me a note congratulating me on my marriage (I used to work for one of his publishers) and I have it in my wedding album.