Slay Belle

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There will be a block feature in the next roll out of Kinja.

But you would teach your hypothetical daughter how to take precautions against getting raped, right? Talking to your son about consent, about respect, and how if he feels his sexual partner isn't totally gung ho about it to not have sex with them is responsible parenting. Save your kneejerk outrage. More parents

Racialicious, Feministing, Feministe, Persephone Magazine, The Hairpin, The Mary Jane, Geek Feminism, Geekquality, The F Word, Pandangon, Shakesville, Bitch Magazine, Tiger Beatdown — There's a lot more to the feminist blog sphere than Jezebel, which has a lot of writers for it that identify as feminist (I'm guessing,

He was also terminator ChromeArtie on the Sarah Conner Chronicles.

I was seriously about the post basically this same comment and video. Her and that green dress? And the dance? Perfection.

Post the link to the comment you want to nominate here:

She expects the fetus to remain svelte as well. Its never too early to go on a diet, you know.

Perfect response.

"irst, being published in a collection of feminist writings that include mainstream feminists about rape is not the same as Mein Kampf still being in print, I think that much is absolutely obvious to anyone. If writings by Hitler (and I can't believe we've descended to this, but you brought it up) were in a collection

When you clearly postulate, repeatedly, that 'feminism isn't interested in conversation', how can you expect anyone to converse with you?

And I've patiently listened to you. And by dint of my position on this site, I've listened to a lot of voices like yours, whose objection to feminism is comprised largely of old, out dated stereotypes and accusations that our concerns and aims are silly, irrational, or sexist. Were these 'women's studies classes' you

I'll keep an eye out for it whenever I have to travel down a dark alley.

"My view of gender has to do with biology. Yours has to do with what you were told in your women's studies classes."

Actually, I said that Jezebel isn't an explicitly feminist site: "It is even a frequent topic here in the comment section of Jezebel, and I don't think of us as an explicitly feminist site. " The writers here run the spectrum, as do the commenters, and not even the regulars all agree with everything that is published

I apologize to the patriarchy.

I heard on a blog that feminists hate men!

The second one down, the Lily Ledbetter act. The continual fight to retain access to abortion and contraceptives. The reinstatement of the violence against women act. The push of women into fields that are still largely dominated by men, like tech. The reaction and momentum against the whole 'rape rape' debacle.

What has feminism accomplished: