Slay Belle

Ari — we don't interact very much, but I certainly notice your comments when I'm out and about in the threads. You always make great points and are open to conversation, but for this thread in particular and the way you just handled Alpha Male over there, I wanted to say I'm glad you're around.

It is unfortunate that your experience with men who identify as feminist or feminist allies has been negative. I feel lucky for the men in my life who proudly ally with feminism and support my activism.

That has not been my experience at all. My husband and my brother happily identify as feminists, and I'm glad to know that I had influence on that. We need all the allies we can get; being suspicious of people who want to help us or side with us is limiting and isolating.

Are you basing this soley on the comment section of this website? Because you can't use this space as 'this is what feminism is' when the commentariat covers a lot of ground, groups, and ideologies.

There are plenty of divisions within feminism on those same issues that you picked out. But fundamentally do you believe that women are entitled to the same rights and responsibilities as men, bodily autonomy, and equal pay for equal work? Then please feel free to call yourself a feminist.

Oh, I think its kinda of shaming in general. 'Its no one's business what other people weigh' is probably a good lesson to learn from an early age.

Letters similar to these have been around for a while. My kid's in high school now, but we got a sorta-similiar letter when she was in elementary school saying she was 'at risk' of maybe, someday being fat. But the positive side of that was that the letter was sent to me, not my child, and it offered discounted access

I, for one, am tired of all the people who come in, don't read an article fully, and then complain about how pc and whiny it is. Not every website is for everyone. No one is forcing you to read this one.

You're absolutely right. There's very few people that take risks anyway — I mean, there's Gaga and... Don't get me wrong. I love vintage Hollywood glam, like the kind that was all over the Oscars last weekend, but it was all so very the same.

Courage and the abs. That is one unforgiving design! Cher is awesome, forever and always.

Its freaking iconic! You know exactly who wore and who designed it, and people still talk about it, what, twenty years later? 30? That's not exactly hall of shame stuff.

"One of the huge parts was how the Republican "family values" platform that we know today basically came about as a backlash to the women's equality movement."

Afternoon cry, indeed.

I don't think season 2 is up on Netflix instant yet, but season 1 is. Enjoy!

Whatever, Fashion Police. I'm gonna love that black Bob Mackie number until the day I die.

None of the seasons will be linked to each other, so you can pick up in season 3 and not be lost if you wanted to.

I actually thought Season 2 was superior in execution and overall thematic issues. It threw a lot at the walls, but I thought everything was tied together at the end well, with plenty of evidence that they had a plan for the arc of the season instead of just 'what scary thing can we do now'. However, there's a lot of

I have and I'm a woman.

"from a community that claims to have feminist leanings"

It is one of my favorite jokes from the entire series. I was bummed I couldn't find an actual gif of it.