Slay Belle

If you claim — as the people in these stories do — to already be in love with someone and everything they told you being true except for their physical appearance, yeah, shallowness in this case might be awfully damning. Because then you weren't really in love with the *person* and whatever their winning traits were,

A totally fantastic project. I've been thinking about doing a library in my front garden.

"And it's sadly obvious that the women who have this thought pattern think this way because it's less painful than admitting that there are things they should and could be doing to improve their health but they just don't, so they convince themselves that healthy-weight women must use barbaric methods to achieve their

People see what they want to see, you know?

No, she's saying that only certain girls are believed when they say they are raped, and anyone who falls outside that narrow box and claims to have been raped are whores and/or temptresses.

She didn't confide in the boyfriend. The alleged rapist the line refers to is Weberman. She told Weberman that she was dating this boy because she had no one else to talk to.

He's a character on Mad Men.

Honestly, that was the most disappointing part of the movie for me. That little rubber dress she wore? So cute! Way cuter than the pastel sweater set.

He wouldn't stop writing me after I told him I wasn't interested!

Thanks, Captain Obvious! ;P

I'm sort of heartened to hear so many people saying that.

Absolutely! I would suggest watching PiP is only for Annie Potts, being amazing.

I feel sort of sad that Henry Higgens and Duckie needed an explanation of their origins but Pete Campbell did not.

They may not be, but the framing of the shot and the presentation of her ass shows how it was supposed to be. And how it was dramatically different from what happened with Maggie.

"the point of the striptease was not to terrify Woman any more than any other rape method or threatened rape. the point was to give the men watching something to drool over. you don't REALLY not see that, right? "

"It continued to escalate until the Governor realized that raping Maggie wouldn't be the thing that would break her. Which says more about his character than hers,"

" rape is often so problematic — it's used as a character development tool for male characters at the expense of the female ones "

It's not the first time it's been brought up. Shane threatens Lori in Season 1 and she fights him off. In season 2, the other group that's roaming around brags about raping female survivors that they find. Mostly, it's only not been brought up more often is because the group hasn't encountered that many more survivors

This was not the first threatened rape on the show — Shane attempts to rape Lori in season 1 and is fought off.

Now playing

Imma let you finish, but everyone knows the best song ever is Cheap Trick's 'I Want You to Want Me'.