Slay Belle

I actually really liked the Runaways movie too. Obviously it was super sympathetic to JJ's side of things, considering how heavily involved she was, but whatever. St. Joan can do no wrong in my eyes.

Friday/Full Moon/acid rain in the drinking water? I don't know, but we're been busy.

I don't live far! I was thinking about making a trip up to meet you guys sometime after the holidays.

So sad to see you go, MG! Congratulations on your new adventures.

Apparently, they used him as inspiration for Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.

It's not really a choice, not in those kinds of circumstances. I mentioned the Heidnik case in another thread. The similarities in the two cases are very close, including that Heidnik made his captives kill each other, often after electrocuting them until they would agree. (He actually 'accidentally' killed one woman

Dude, man, be lucky you're not 8 and reading about it in your grandfather's morning paper. I'll never forget that story.

Ugh. The first thing that leapt to mind was the Gary Heidnik case, which happened locally when I was young child. I think it was my first brush with that kind of real life evil.

Yes, they did. There's a handy little graphic floating around on FB that you can use to post on your 'friends' feeds.

Eccelston was a well regarded working actor before he got Doctor Who. I loved him in the role and thought he brought a lot of menace to the interpretation, and I was sorry he left. But he was not 'made' by being the 9th doctor.

This is what gifs were invented for.

No, I said they used polygamy under the guise of celestial marriages, which is their religion's expression of the practice. I'll refer you to my longer response to Wispy for elaboration.

Thank you. And again, I do understand your frustration here. I just think this is a case where you can not divorce the two issues.

Actually, that is what polygamy means. One man married to multiple wives who are not, in turn, married to each other. A woman with multiple husbands is polyandry.

Many of these women and their families are already on state aid, so I imagine they'd remain on the welfare roster and be helped into new homes, etc.

You're misreading what I said, or perhaps I didn't state it plainly enough. It was legitimized under theirpolygamist practices, with the sham celestial marriages, which was part of their religion. They didn't co-opt the term. They are polygamists who happen to have used that practice to prey on children and women.

I didn't say there weren't.

Gawker and Jezebel both did showing off gifs from the show.