Slay Belle

I think maybe you need to revisit your lessons on 'how to behave in a society'.

Ok, but I think my comment stands. It may not be sacred in your eyes, but it is in theirs, and there's nothing wrong with respecting their desire not to have it minimized in popular culture. It doesn't really have anything to do with what you or I believe, religiously.

Oh, I didn't read it like that! I was backing you up — there is an issue with the tone that comes from a new influx of people who are new to the site and/or are here to purposefully bait the readers. We get a lot of them, but not all, and not always quick enough. If people don't think that happens here, its because we

You can be an atheist and still respect that other people and cultures have a right to their own beliefs, and act appropriately.


I'm the head moderator on this site. It is a major problem that we have had in dealing with the change over to Kinja. We do have a significant number of comments who come here to purposefully post inflammatory and unhelpful comments, who are not looking to just express a different opinion. Calling women sluts and

As a moderator on this site, I can assure you we have been completely inundated with people who come here to call women sluts and whores and tell rape victims they deserved it. If you don't see these comments, its because my team and I are busy making sure they don't stick around.

"Are they refusing to give other treatments in lieu of recommending someone lose weight, or in addition to it?"

Most people that I've known (and I'm mostly familiar with southern India) did not feed those strays or let them into the house. They were just generally seen as dirty nuisances. Most people that had pets have purebreds — I noticed several families with Rottis and the pet store around the corner from our apartment had

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm glad to hear you're eating better and I wish you all the luck as you continue to work on your eating.

Do you know what email you sent it to? You can forward it along to and I can pass it up the chain.

That's so awful. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm actually talking to some friends about this very topic and one of them was mentioning that her mental health diagnosis was wrong for many years because the doctor kept focusing on her weight and not taking her symptoms seriously.

Unfortunately, our private messaging system is down. If you don't mind, email me at We can exchange personal information that way.

No worries! I appreciated the compliment.

Sometimes I think people deliberately miss the point when it comes to issues around fatness. Your doctor is in a great position to know if there's any medical issues surrounding your weight and should raise them with you. Just like if you were skinny and had health issues. Or in-between. Or anything. But the problem

Did you live in Pakistan? My husband accepted a job at new university in Karachi and we'll be going to join him next year. I'd love to talk to someone with first hand experience with the culture.

Thanks for spreading the word so I don't have to!

I once bought 3 t-shirts at Uniqlo too! It was a major day of joy. But my husband had to mail be a box of clothes while I was there because I just couldn't find anything and had ruined some of the stuff I had brought with me.