
A military alliance doesn’t necessarily require that one nation support the ideologies that the other believes in.

There are many reasons to declare a mobile OS dead. However, calling the EOL of a version that came out nearly six years ago and last saw an update four years ago... is a bit of a stretch.

You lot forgot the cultural festival/open house, sports day, and “last day of vacation so better get the group together to finish homework”.

Depends on how you define fair, no? Person A makes $20,000/yr, Person B makes $200,000/yr, and Person C makes $2,000,000/yr. Let’s say the most basic of necessities (“not die” level) costs $6,000/yr.

I don’t know what I expected from this comments section.

In one respect, vaccinations are like unions: nobody remembers what it’s like to not have enough them. We only have stories, and rightly or wrongly some people dismiss them.

By your argument, I am a bigot because I am intolerant of pedophiles.

Where are you getting your stats?Taiwan’s population is less than 60% of California’s, and over 10x the size of Rhode Island.

Then I’m not sure what you mean by overpopulation. Taipei, the densest city on the island, is less dense than NYC, and overall density on par with—or lower than—some Carribbean nations.

>Yyeah.. the buildings in these photos don’t look like they were designed to withstand ANY shaking.

>Combine questionable construction, over population

“Yes I would absolutely love to but I can’t that night as I’ve already got plans!” is notably different from “Sorry, I’ve got plans already”. In the first case, it’s pretty clear the issue is scheduling. It’s no different from “I can’t that day, but how about next week?” which I hope you would agree is a clear OK. In

Because people voted with their wallets. They want cheap airfare, and damn the costs. Spirit has one of the highest percentages of dissatisfied customers, and yet they keep growing. The other airlines have noticed, and are following suit. But they have to keep those profits up, so they keep looking for ways to claw

Blizzard, just get it over with and remove Mercy already. That’s clearly what you want to do.

>Linguists—and people who’ve lived through the fads of “like” and “totally” and “far out” and “radical”—know that language evolves.

As for Overwatch being a good esport.. so with traditional sports anyone can follow with basic instruction..

The intention here can be deduced because of the redundancy in having “sufficient width for two or more lines of vehicles” and also the following part where one talks about widths in relation to each direction versus a case where the roadway is one-way. Note also the lack of “and” between subsections. Legal battles

If there is a lane to use to pass and someone to the left is stopped to turn left

Curiously, wine is also offered behind a sign that says “We Check ID,” though it’s unclear whether that process involves an actual staffer.