
Wow, you’re such a good reader! Great job, I bet you read like a third of the words I wrote!

They’re certainly both assholes, but I wouldn’t equate the two.

“he will remember how hard his father worked WITH him and for him and were willing to do what HE wanted for HIS perceived benefit.”

...Then there was that one time a Giants fan was beaten so badly by some Dodgers fans that he spent four months in a medically induced coma, and was left permanently disabled.

Before it leaked into non-sports things, the SF Giants and LA Dodgers were both from NYC.

When diciphering complex menus, the stuff that gets mentioned earlier on is usually the most important part and is what will dominate the flavor. Allergies aside, don’t worry too much about the details. That’s part of the experience of a tasting menu!

How would that work, especially if some other company sells something similar that can store what the camera sees? To some folks, every smartphone is an iPhone or Galaxy. What is the owner going to do, walk up to irritated/camera-shy folks and say “Hey, this pair of glasses has a camera, but don’t worry; I can’t save

“If that ever did happen though they’d give us an opportunity to download our games on a HDD and then save them to Disc.”

Noticeably lighter, smaller, comes with leather cover, and includes a cellular connection. Screen tech is the same E-ink Carta.

Noticeably lighter, smaller, comes with leather cover, and includes a cellular connection. Screen tech is the same

...They do? They don’t even have camera holes.

Pricing is $799 and $999. Release date is Q2 2018. Skull Canyon had interchangeable lids, with one of them a plain black top, and it’s possible that they’ll do the same for Hades Canyon.

It’ll be years before any performance-oriented chip (i.e., not the sort of thing powering a Raspberry Pi) will be Spectre-proof. Chip design is going to require a major rethink.

I feel like if Twitter were to ban Trump, someone would attempt to firebomb their HQ. At the very least there would be a whole lot of death threats made on the employees, and probably at least one attempt.

A large portion of his audience is children and teens. Historically, neither group has been a fount of great judgment.

Sudden cold snap? Sure. Killer frost stalking people down like Jason, cataclysmic storm surge hitting eastern Manhattan (...from Queens?) but most buildings are left standing, people running faster than tsunamis, hurricanes developing over land, said hurricanes coming together to form a new ice cap, helicopters safely

Here in 2018 we’ve had DSL modems, cable modems, and cellular modems (including in-car ones) for a while now. But don’t worry, we won’t make fun of your ISDN line. Much.

“I need to just reach into my pocket to grab my phone, dial 911"

The claim of no support (e.g. no infrastructure) was clearly hypothetical. The claim of hybrids needing to be charged? That’s not so clearly hypothetical, and plenty of folks actually believe that.

Outside of Portland is a pretty large geographical area, but according to the Census, about 75% of the state lives in the Portland and Salem metro areas.

“If airlines didn’t treat people like cattle”