
Hilarious... of all of the things that you could have possibly corrected Bradley on, you chose something that he got right:

What gotcha did you invent in your head? You made a rhetorical statement based on a faulty premise, that Starbursts don’t contain fruit juice. If you don’t want to be refuted in a public space, don’t make a refutable statement in a public space.

The carton in question huge slices of honeydew melon with a small bunch of green grapes and a side shot of an apple slice (so it looked white) in the corners. Probably mostly damning was the tagline “100% MELON TASTE” when it contained 2% melon juice. After it made the news Tropicana redesigned the packaging to make

I can’t find a bag of orange-only Starbursts. What I can find is a regular bag of Starbursts, and right on the back of the bag the list of ingredients includes “FRUIT JUICE FROM CONCENTRATE (APPLE, LEMON, STRAWBERRY, ORANGE, CHERRY)”. So it would appear that Starbursts do, in fact, include a non-negligible amount—per

> iPhones have long used GPS connectivity to send emergency messages

What you’re forgetting is that it’s fairly common for people to leave their laptops sitting open on a desk in their bedroom, especially students. And what you’re also forgetting is that as far back as 2010 schools have spied on students via webcam on school-issued and/or -managed laptops.

I’m surprise Post-It notes aren’t more popular; just cut out a small piece of one to fit. They’re thin and don’t leave any residue.

Per NYC’s rules (as adopted by the Department of Sanitation), any bike with two or more of the following conditions and is located on public property (e.g., left chained to street sign on the curb) is considered a derelict and targeted for disposal:

After reviewing the ingredients, my conclusion is that she decided that simply calling it a medicinal rice porridge wouldn’t sell well but congee was sufficiently “exotic”.

> Other companies claimed they could do it but they never released their devices with it.

The Jews in the Bible were *very* strict about their food - the serious ones, anyway.

Which is for the motive part of the Delorean. You know, the whole flying part of the “flying Delorean” that OP mentioned?

What I’ve learned from this post is that some commenters can’t tell the difference between a bar, a pub, a gastropub, and a tavern.

Mr. Fusion only powered the flux capacitor and time circuits; you couldn’t drive with it. Maybe you didn’t see BTTF 3.

You can change it whenever you want, but only if you create a Zoom account. Then it’ll be available through your profile by editing your name, which provides a “Display name” field.

In contrast with Air and Kanon (which received all-ages editions later on) Clannad was explicitly an all-ages VN from the start, though Key made up for it with Tomoyo After.

They may look distinctive compared to current designs, but was par for the course two decades ago. So if the goal is to look “typical”, then the update was correct move.

He didn’t park in handicap or motorcycle spots because he’s not disabled, doesn’t own a motorcycle, and Brits follow the rules.

> The video culminates in a visit from unscrupulous renters who are hearteningly handed an envelope of cash and a reservation for a five-star hotel.

Per Fisher v. Dees, de minimis would be “only if it is so meager and fragmentary that the average audience would not recognize the appropriation”. I guess the question would be how you define an “average audience”, i.e., a hypothetical group of people who have just seen Hackers vs people who have ever seen the movie.