
Nothing new for Jackie. He also had a daughter from an affair whom he refused to acknowledge for the longest time.

Nothing new for Jackie. He also had a daughter from an affair whom he refused to acknowledge for the longest time.

I’m aware of that. That’s why I said “nope”; nobody’s telling a fib.

Nope. jrhmobile’s oath is for officers. Officers are not required to swear to obey higher level officers, including the commander-in-chief. Hopefully you can work out why that is.

“He’s past the 95th percentile for weight, but only by 25 pounds”

Brian, how does that ¥77,970 bundle work? I thought there was only five launch titles. Is this a Switch + all games + all accessories bundle?

“Want additional controllers for multiplayer? $70”

Once upon a time, the Rumble Pak was considered a stupid little gimmick.

While it’s nice that Rosetta Stone has Asian languages, the quality of the materials is significantly worse than for Western/Romance languages. It’s almost as if... they took the latter’s material and simply translated it. Oh, wait:

$25 gets you 20 hours with the GTX 1060. You only get 10 hours with the GTX 1080.

The problem is that pigs love to eat truffles. And pigs can be mean. You really don’t want to stick your hand into this fella’s mouth to pull the truffle out.

I’ve never met anyone who thought shark fin soup was actually delicious. It’s on the menu at weddings or other celebrations because it’s traditional/folks showing off money. And the older I get, the less likely the wedding banquets I attend have it. This really is an older generation thing.

You mean the ones who invented and developed it all?

I’m going to assume that you don’t have any kids. For the record, they’re not as stupid or amoral as many people think they are.

It’s not stealing in the sense that a kid borrowing a toy from another kid without asking isn’t stealing either.

You didn’t actually read it, did you?

For folks who are absolutely certain they won’t fly internationally and will be in need of a compliant ID, you can get a passport card (only good for land and sea crossings to Canada, Mexico, and some cruise destinations). $55 for the card versus $135 for the regular passport.

Why do you even care about the video? The narration is what makes this thing matter at all. Hit play and switch to another tab.

You’re welcome.