
They’re just following the Spirit Airlines model. A ridiculous number of people claim that they’ll never fly Spirit again, but Spirit keeps raking in the dough.

If Sony and Sling invested the money to become a wireless carrier, they could compete directly with AT&T and then the consumer gets more choice, competition is stronger, and everyone wins.


  • Back when only rich people had cars, smaller roads had landscaping in the surrounding area, similar to a park.

“Why not just use the premium component in all phones?”

Generally speaking, policy and law is—or at least should be—ultimately a formalization of what society believes in. Things that “go without saying” still need to be said from time to time to ensure that it stays that way.

If you re-read it more carefully, you’d realize that Poey said he bought a 3DS that someone else had returned after swapping identifiers. He didn’t pirate anything.

Oh for fuck’s sake, folks. How many Japanese have you guys seen complaining on Kotaku about GITS? Hell, how many Japanese even read Kotaku? Seriously, how balls-to-the wall stupid do you have to be to not realize that most complaints are coming from Americans?

It’s shitastic is what it is, but if your kid brother started eating paste does that mean you’ll open up a fresh jar and go to town?

we are ALL frog fractions 2 on this blessed day :)

See the TURTLE of enormous girth!

Felica’s non-adoption outside of Japan has nothing to do with it being untraceable. If that were the case, you would not be able to buy prepaid debit/credit cards throughout Europe. Spoiler: you can. It’s a matter of technology; Felica was created and promoted by a consortium of Japansse companies before the

This service is only available in Japan because Suica is only available in Japan. The payment hardware only works with NFC Type-F, which is non-existent outside of Japan.

The Dismissal came about because while the Whitlam Government(Labor Party - left wing leaning) had a majority in the Lower House (equivalent to Congress) it didn’t have a majority in the Senate (same thing as the USA)

“We don’t believe in shipping a product before it’s ready”

This is to Grid-It what acetaminophen is to Tylenol, or facial tissues to Kleenex. Considering that Grid-It doesn’t exactly spend a ton on marketing, I wonder if these guys had to cut corners on the elastic to keep costs down.

This is to Grid-It what acetaminophen is to Tylenol, or facial tissues to Kleenex. Considering that Grid-It doesn’t


When most reviewers feel one way about a product and only a few—or even just one—feel differently, I have to wonder what lead to the discrepancy.