
I know after having bought Sun Microsystems they technically are, but calling Oracle the maker of Java just doesn’t feel right to me.

That just means you have no backbone, what kind of artist are you?

If the goal was to scare people, then she would have gone with China. Saudi Arabia was used for an eye-catching headline.

It’s moronic to compare an entire healthcare system to a single medical team. There’s nothing contradictory at all for one group of things on average being better than another group of things but worse than the best single thing from the latter group.

Because comparing an entire healthcare system to an individual medical team is moronic, that’s why.

Because when you’re comparing the level of care that the Cuban healthcare system provides to the average Cuban with that provided by the American health care system to Americans of similar socioeconomic status, you’re setting a pretty low bar.

The media you’ve been consuming has been telling you that the Cuban medical system provides head of state-level healthcare? What color is the sky in your world?

Theft involves the removal of property from the possession of its owner.

Now playing

Tampa police identified the minivan—a very hardcore mode of transportation for making auto thefts

If that bothers you, never go into the kitchen of a bakery.

I’d say he is doing just fine

This is a horrible, horrible, horrible idea. You’re basically valuing your miles at 0.85 cents per mile—that’s friggin’ absurd. The only folks who’d have a reason to do so—people who fly so infrequently that the miles would otherwise expire, which would require two years of no activity—wouldn’t need Pre Check! If

People who think that $600 is not “roughly in the ballpark” of $350—a 70% increase, or in Luckey’s words from that same interview “a little more”—had ridiculously unrealistic expectations? Tell me, what color is the sky in your world?

Then social media has a lot more rednecks that I would have thought.

I know, right? People like him could stand to learn from how the U.S. handles jokes about Pearl Harbor and Israel handles jokes about the Holocaust.

Sorry, did you just call New Zealanders “Aussies”? Them’s fighting words!

Somebody needs to trim their nails.

The world wants it