Also my reaction
Also my reaction
“Wisionary” is the first word that comes to mind when I remember my experience at the subsite.
It’s beyond brilliant. It’s like a 99-yard TD pass. It may be equalled, but it can never be exceeded.
“Simone Manuel, Wins Gold, Shares Historic Night with Olympics Meme”
She can’t give a guy a chino teepee / Cuz she stuffs her bra with t.p. / That one-ply stuff cuz she’s a cheapie...
Congratulations! I am pregnant with my second! Welcome to the phase of your life when you will always click on articles that you know you shouldn’t! What is this horrible compulsion?!?!
Maybe paying contributors would help them finding “health and wellbeing”
“Why can’t I just be cool?”
last time? not so fast......
George Takei sounds just like my dad.
Is there a higher power that has to approve all her emails to make sure they’re “on brand”? I want to imagine she’s a Harvard grad that actually has impeccable speech patterns but is being forced to change it. Maybe there’s an app. She writes a perfect email and then plugs it into the This Is What Feminism is Right,…
Cute emails, but I was bleeding into my underwear and not giving a shit about it way before THINX was a gleam in Agrawal’s eye.
I’ve heard everyone is being blocked from her account now.
awww! come find twinja!!!!
And it’s always the same bullshit about how they’re just out to ruin a powerful black man/get money. Never mind that these women will see not a dime or that Bill Cosby is not actually worth ruining. It’s like this automatic response kicks in with some people to defend assholes like Cosby and R Kelly and completely…
It happened to me too and I just wanted to tell her I loved her :(
Is the number of people who refuse to believe them 10x or 100x the number of women he assaulted?
Spouse- I hope you see this- the EXACT same thing happened to me! Leslie blocked me on Twitter too, and swear I had almost the exact same comment, that I was getting 99% of my olympics info from her feed. I’m at best a casual Twitter user (I have no idea why I post anything, I have zero followers other than maybe a…
:( did it happen in somekind of thread situation? maybe you got swept up in a block spree :/
God, my allergies...