
To be fair: she totally could do exactly what he did, with the exact same result.

“What was the name of that movie I hated about the total idiot?”

I know: I LOVE NURSES. My sister is a nurse and she is fucking awesome.

Oh for fuck’s sake, are you joking?

My husband and I own 6 guns. Two shotguns, two handguns and two rifles. We are both relatively young, liberal, New England born citizens. We enjoy hunting and shooting at the range.


Me too! Other than Jezebel, I spend the most time on Deadspin - a large reason for that is Drew. The funbag, the Thursday dick joke jamboroo during football season, why your team sucks, etc are all my life blood and I don’t ever want to lose them.

And let’s be honest here: Rich, white kid’s rich, white dad probably has some rich, white golf buddies that will give rich, white kid a job.

No. We’re laughing because it’s pathetic. He got caught trying to do something horrible and now he feels bad for himself, so he’s crying. We obviously do not have a shred of sympathy for him, and so it’s funny. We are not laughing because he “failed to assert his masculinity,” what utter bullshit.

Looking at a picture of a man and leaping to the conclusion that because he cried when he got caught trying to rape a woman means that he’s developmentally impaired based only on his looks IS making fun of his looks, and everyone who has brought it up has tried to spin off mocking his appearances as merely being

19? He must have a lot of city miles on him.

That is literally the definition of being an actor.

Yeah, I thought being an actor was ALL about hiding who you are? Like, if I am watching a movie and consistently call the character by the actor's name...that comes across as bad acting to me.

Yeah there’s this super yummy juice shop downtown and the employees just posted a picture with him. Very exciting Tuesday for us Wyomingites! We don’t get them thar talkin’ picture stars here often. Ha ha!

why-the-fuck is this asshole in my little town? Great that he stopped in Estes and enjoyed the views then came down the hill to beer-up at Oskar’s. But honestly, we need another entitled white fame-whore in Boulder like we need a 2nd asshole. Go the fuck home Shia.

Lindy West wrote a book and I might even have time to read for pleasure this summer. Life might be getting better folks! Might.

My condolences for your pine tree loss.

OMG she didn’t have a boyfriend? Well then she’s DEFINITELY better off dead. Jesus, this woman is a nightmare.

You and the morons drowning their meat in a1 sauce should be flogged for ruining a tasty cut of meat when done right